Chapter 2

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Zendaya's POV

It's been a week since Ross and I had our fight and I've ignored him completely. I spent a whole week  I walk to my locked and see him swapping spit with Laura which made me sick to my stomach. I roll my eyes and open my locker to have a note fall out. I opened it up and read it.

Dear Zendaya,

I know I don't say this often but I love being around you. I love your smile, laugh, personality, voice, and everything. Wouldn't you love to make me the luckiest guy on earth and go to Prom with me?

Love Harry xx

I smile at the note and turn around to see Harry with roses in his hands. I smile and hug him. 

"I would love to go to Prom with you!" I smile pulling away and peck his lips. He smiles still holding onto me and kisses me. I giggle as he pulls away and hands me the roses. I put my stuff in my locker and close it. I look over to see Ross staring at us. I roll my eyes and grab Harry's hand with my free hand. We walked to first period and sat next to Niall. We started talk about nothing in particular and it was kinda cold in this class today. I put my roses down and rub my arms. 

"Are you cold?" Harry asks, I roll my eyes and laugh

"No, I'm just trying to make a fire!" I say making him laugh. He didn't have a jacket so he simply wrapped his arm around me and let me cuddle into him. I smile to myself as class started. Sometimes I hate started the day with drama, literally the class, drama. 

"Acting exercise, I need Ross, Laura, Harry and Zendaya, on stage!" Mrs.Cloud says making Harry and I groan. We meet the other two on the stage and wait for her instructions. "Okay, you boys are going to be arguing over these two girls." She says. I sigh and shift my weight to my left leg. 

"Laura is beautiful isn't she," Ross smiles making Harry fake a laugh,

"Funny, I think you meant to say Zendaya is beautiful, I understand, must have been an honest mistake of yours." Harry says patting Ross' shoulder. 

"Laura gives the best gifts!" Ross says almost yelling. Harry rolls his eyes wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Zendaya is my gift," He says making me blush. I smile and look down. 

"Laura is a great kissing." Ross says, obviously trying to make me jealous. 

"Well not too sure about that, although everyone sees you two snogging all the time, get a room." Harry says making me look up at Ross. Ross was clearly not having it, and neither was Harry. You could literally feel the hate radiating off of them. 

"How would feel if I just-" Ross starts but cuts it short my kissing me. I gasp and push him off. 

"How about you back off you fucking ass!" Harry shouts pushing Ross back. I would stop this, but Harry looks so hot when he's mad. 

"This is great! Continue!" Our teacher shouts clapping her hands, she clearly can't sense that this isn't acting anymore. 

"How about you back off my girl." Ross says trying to push Harry, but Harry pushes him back.

"Piss off wanker!" Harry growls. 

"Stop using British slang!" Ross whines making everyone laugh at his stupidity. 

"No, I think its hot." Laura says. I step forward waiting to attack her.

"Piss of slag!" I hiss at her. Harry looks at me impressed and starts laughing alongs with Louis, Liam, Zayn, and Niall because they all knew what it meant. "What can I say, a week with Harry and I've got something up my sleeve," I defend myself smiling sheepishly. The bell rings making us walk off stage. 

"This isn't over." Ross says grabbing my arm from behind. I elbow him in the stomach making him let go of me. 

"Now it is." I hiss looking down at him on the floor. I look to see Harry packing his stuff up. I start to walk off but hear something I didn't want you. 

"You're worthless, that's exactly why Harry fucks around with other girls." Ross says getting up. Harry swung his bag over his shoulder and picked up my bag and roses for me. I grab my bag from him as I let my tears fall and  run out the class. I push past people and find my way to the bathroom. 

"What the hell is your problem Ross? I hate you." I whisper to myself crying in the stall. I wipe my tear, fix my makeup and walk out the bathroom. I didn't feel like being at this hell hole so I 

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