Chapter 3

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[Ross' POV

Oh I have the perfect gift. I sprint to the girls locker room and go to Zendaya's locker. I open it and look through her bag. Here's her notebook! Where is song for him. I find it and tear it out. I fold it and shove it in my pocket. I put everything back and lock her locker. I walk out, I  see Zendaya.

"Hai Ze-" I start

"Save it. I know what you did give it back" She glares at me

"Give what back?" I ask

"My pencil" She says.

"Oh" I say and find a pencil and give it to her and run away. I ran to the office and asked her if someone can have all the students to the drama room. She says yes I read the song and I run to the Drama room where everyone was waiting. Oh no! Rocky's at the front. And she's talking to Ally....They're laughing. I grab a mic

"Ally can you come on stage?" I ask. She obeys. I glance at Rocky and she smiles. I look back at Ally. "Happy early birthday" I say and start to sing

When you're on your own

Drowning alone

And you need a rope that can pull you in

Someone will throw it

And when you're afraid 

That you're gonna break

And you need a way to feel strong again

Someone will know it

And even when it hurts the most

Try to have a little hope

That someone's gonna be there when you don't

When you don't

If you wanna cry, I'll be your shoulder

If you wanna laugh, I'll be your smile

If you wanna fly, I will be your sky

Anything you need that's what I'll be

You can come to me

You struggle in the side

Losing your mind

Lying and trying, to be yourself

And somebody lets you

Out in the cold

But no where to go

Feeling like no one can understand

But somebody gets you

"YOU STOLE MY SONG?!" Zendaya yells

"I wrote this myself" I growl making her slap me.

"You fucking ass,"

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