Chapter 4

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Austin's POV

Rocky and I were playing until I got really bored. I grabbed her hand and went in the back yard. We looked at the stars.

"Austin its beautiful out here" She says laying on the grass. I laydown next to her.

"Not as beautiful as you" I ask. She turns her head and looks at me confused

"What?" She asks.

"Youre beautiful..." I say.

"Okay...Hey look" She says pointing at starts that looked like 'R+A'

"Cool" I say. We get up and look at he pool. We gives each other the 'I'll do it if you do it' look. We smiled and jumped in the freezing water. We laughed. Until Rocky came out.

"Whats wrong?" I ask coming out next to her.

"My butt is freezing" She says shivering. I ran to get a towel. I put my arm on her shoulders and held the towel around us. We looked at each other and smiled. She look down and blushed.

"Do you ever feel like your meant to be is just always with you. Like a smile away. Just looking at them makes you happy" She says softly.

"I mean. Yeah. Sometimes I feel the one I really love isn't mine" I say. She looks up.

"Yeah. I feel I'll never have the courage to tell . Like I do all these crazy fun things with him all the time but ya know.."

"Yeah" I say looking at her. We stare in each others eyes. We start leaning in and then she looks down and blushes.

"Sometimes its like you know your with the right person, but youre to afraid to admit it. Like the person you love is with someone else" She sys.

"I know. It's really complicated" I say looking away. She turns her head.

"So....How's you and Ally?" She asks

"Good, I guess" I say looking at her.

"Cool" She says. We walk in the house. We run to the room and change. We sit on the bed.

"So...." She says

"Soo......" I say. We look at each other. We start leaning in. Until I burp. She leans away. Dammit Ross!

"Sorry" I say. She giggles.

"Its okay" She says. I turn on 'Meant to be'.

"Really Ross." She says putting her hands on her hips. I get up and pull her closer to me. She smiles.

"Let's dance" Isay.

"Oh no I cant do that Austin" She says trying to back away but she couldnt.

"Come on" I say.

"No Austin!" She says backing way.

"Just one dance" I beg

"No! Because next thing ya know we star dancing and dancing turns into slow dancing and slow dancing turns intodirty dancing and dirty dancing turns into s-" She blurst, I inturupt her by kissing her as she kisses back. This is the one kiss that I liked. Her eyes were closed and I closed mine. We stopped

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Rocky says


"Why would you kiss me?" She asks

"To shut you up" I say

"I dont like you like that Austin!" She barks at me and leaves. I sigh. I really messed up.

((A/N: Im obsessed with writing this. Next chapter will be Christmas time!!! Enjoy! READ, VOTE, and COMMENT! Byeee!

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