Chapter 10

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Rocky's POV

I rap on Harry's door. He opens it.

"Rocky! Im so sorry for what I did!!" He says squeezing me in a hug.

"It's fine, I just broke up with Austin," I say breaking down in tears.

"Awe, come in," He says. I walk in and everyone else was in there. I wipe my tears and sniffle. "Do you want me to straighten him out?" Harry says clutching his fist.

"No, I still care about him! But, I wanna make him jealous!" I say. Harry smiles.

"Okay, I can do that, love," He says. I smile "Be right back boys!" Harry says. I look at Niall, who was looking worried, and like he knew something

"Okay!" They say. Harry grabs my hand and takes me to work at Sonic Boom. I see Ally throwing herself at Austin, but Austin's eyes were locked on Harry and I. Harry kisses my cheek and Austin walks to the drums, he looks at us. Harry picks me up as I laugh and he puts me down.

"SO WHAT TIME IS OUR DATE, ALLY," Austin yells. I roll my eyes.

"WE HAD A DATE?! SINCE WH-" Ally starts.

"OKAY GUESS WERE BREAKING UP," Austin shouts. Harry and I look at each other and laugh, "SO NOW IM TOTALLY AVALIBLE!!!" Austin shouts. Harry and I look at each other.

"SHUT UP!!!" We shout.

"Whatever! I never even liked you!" Austin says.

"I bet you miss doing this," Harry says and kisses me, I kiss back. Austin walks inbetween us.

"Sorry I needed a better view of Ally!" Austin says. I roll my eyes.

"Ugh," I say

"Ugh," He repeats

"Blah," I say

"Blah," He says

"Im stupid," I say

"Im stupid," Austin says proudly, then he frowns "Oh wait....." He says.

"Ow," Harry says

"Whats wrong?" I ask kissing his cheek

"Its just my back is hurting, love," He says.

"Alright, here," I whisper in his ear. I start massaging his shoulder. He moans quietly. Austin looks at us. I start massaging faster and her jerks his head back and moans louder. I giggle a little.

"Thanks, love," He says kissing me.

"Your welcome," I say.

"Well sorry, but Rocky and I have to write a song," Austin says grabbing my hand and drags me upstairs and closes the door.

"If I didnt know better, I'd think youre jealous," I say smirking.

"Me?! Jealous?! Of him?! Really Rocky?" He asks sitting on the bench. I sit next to him.

"Yup," I say. He smirks. He looks at the piano.

"Im not jealous!" He says.

"Okay, I dont want you to be,"I say and walk out. Someone pushes me down the stairs.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2017 ⏰

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