Forever and Always (Luke Hemmings)

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You walked into the Buzzfeed office that morning, completely unaware of what was in store for you. All you were told was that you would be in a video with one of your exes, but they wouldn't tell you which one or what you would be doing. You met with Harley, the girl who was in charge of organizing this video, when you walked through the door, and she took you into another room.

The set was already put up – a bed surrounded by a couple cameras that were already recording – but that didn't give you any clue as to what you would be filming. In fact, if anything, it made you more confused.

"Do you have any idea what's going on today?" Harley asked, motioning for you to sit on the bed.

"Well, I mean, I know it has something to do with my ex," you replied, "I'm just nervous as to which ex that is."

"How about we bring him in now?" she said, motioning for the person at the door to let him in.

The moment Luke stepped through the door, both you and him froze. You let out a shaky breath as he walked over to the set. The blonde shyly sat down beside you, making sure there was at least half a foot of space between the two of you.

"Okay," she nodded, "What we want you to do is lie down and just cuddle like you normally would and we're gonna have you pull questions out from this bowl to ask each other." You and Luke nodded hesitantly at the idea of cuddling like you used to. "You two can back out at any time, okay?" Harley reminded you, "You don't have to do this."

"I'll do it if you will," Luke murmured.

You nodded slowly, "I'm down."

Luke laid down on the bed, his arm bent on the pillow with his hand under his head. You laid down next to him, putting your own head on the makeshift pillow his arm had created. Your faces were mere centimeters apart and you were breathing in his scent for the first time in years.

"Still wear the same cologne?" you said softly.

"Still use the same shampoo?" Luke returned just as quietly.

"Where's your antler necklace?"

"Right here," he told you, pulling it out from under his shirt. You instinctively brought your hand up to play with the pendant, doing anything you could to distract yourself from Luke's gaze.

"You guys ready for the questions?" Harley asked once she felt you and Luke were as comfortable as you were going to get.

"Mhmm," Luke hummed in response, nodding slightly. Harley placed the bowl in the space between both of your stomachs, telling you to start whenever you were ready. "You wanna go first?" he asked.

"Sure," you whispered, taking your fingers away from the necklace and pulling out a slip of paper. You looked down to read it.

You couldn't help but laugh quietly at the question, making Luke's heart race – he would never admit it, but he missed the sound of your laugh.

"In a zombie apocalypse, which of your friends would you eat first?" Luke smiled slightly at the question as well.

"To be fair, I think they would eat me first," he answered.

You nodded in agreement, "It would probably be Michael." He chuckled a little more loudly, agreeing with your statement as well.

Luke reached into the bowl next and pulled out a question.

"If you were able to throw away one thing that I owned, what would it be?" he asked. You began chewing on your lip, having to think about it.

"Oh, God," you mumbled, "Um... You know that black long sleeve shirt you always wore onstage?"

"But I really like that shirt!" he pouted.

Imagines and One-Shots (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now