Worth It (Ashton Irwin)

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You were sitting outside at a local pizza place one afternoon, wanting to get out of your apartment for lunch. You had just finished a couple slices of pizza and were sipping on your soda and scrolling through your Twitter feed when you happened to look up – and it just so happened that Ashton Irwin had turned the corner, walking toward the pizzeria with his mom and siblings.

Your eyes widened slightly, immediately feeling your heart beat even harder as they approached. You knew Ashton was spending time with his family during his week off of tour, so you weren't sure whether or not to ask him if he could take a quick photo with you.

You opened your mouth as he approached, but quickly decided against bothering him, looking back down at your phone. You were sure he wouldn't want to be bothered by any fans – especially after what had happened yesterday with the ones that had been following him pretty much since he got home.

When Ashton and his family passed you, you let out the breath you were holding, not realizing just how loud it was until a couple minutes later when someone poked your shoulder.

Ashton's POV; Two minutes earlier

"Did anyone ever buy that place on 5th?" Ashton asked his mom.

"Yeah, a pizza place opened there a couple weeks ago," Anne replied, "You wanna try it out?"

"Not unless there's somewhere else you guys want to go," he said, looking at his siblings.

"I could go for some pizza right now," Harry mentioned, causing Lauren to giggle.

"You could always go for some pizza," she teased, making him shove her gently as they turned the corner.

Lauren couldn't help but notice your eyes widen as they were walking to the door. She saw you open your mouth slightly before you closed it again and looked back down. She smiled as everyone piled through the door, hearing you sigh just before it closed behind Ashton.

"Hey, Ash," Lauren spoke up while they stood in front of the counter, looking at the menu and waiting for the person in front of them to finish ordering.

"Yeah, Laur?" Ashton said, not looking at her.

"I think you should go out and talk to that girl." She waited until she got her brother's attention before pointing out the window to the table you were occupying.

"Yeah? And why do you think I should do that?" he asked.

"She's a fan."

"You can tell that by looking at the back of her head?" he cocked an eyebrow, making Lauren roll her eyes.

"She was going to say something before we walked in here, but she stopped herself," she informed him. Ashton looked out at you for a moment before turning back to his sister.

"This week was supposed to be about you guys," he shook his head.

"Ash," Harry rolled his eyes that time, "Just go talk to her. We'll come out and find a table when our food is done."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes!" Lauren squeaked, "Now go!" Ashton turned to leave the restaurant just as Anne stepped up to the counter.

"Oh, Ash!" she called after her son, making him turn around, "What kind of pizza do you want?"

"I'll just split with you," he answered, making her nod as he opened the door and walked back outside, feeling his brother and sister's eyes on him as he walked up to you.

Your POV

You felt a gentle poke on your shoulder as you took a sip of your soda, making you look up from your phone. You gasped a bit as you swallowed, causing you to start coughing. Ashton's eyes widened and he just instinctively placed his hand on your upper back.

Imagines and One-Shots (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now