Chasing After You (Michael Clifford) - Part 4

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Upon arriving to the castle, no one was outside except for the guards stationed at the front gate and your best friend. You smiled widely as your driver – the, uh...lizard... – opened your door for you.

"What's going on here?" Luke asked, holding his hand out to you and helping you out of the carriage.

"I don't think you're gonna believe me," you breathed.

"Try me," he insisted. You took in a deep breath before letting it out.

"I... I have a fairy godmother," you told him softly, not wanting the guards to hear. He stared at you for a moment with a blank expression.

"You're right," he nodded, "I don't believe you."

"Listen," your driver interrupted, "I'm a lizard driving a carriage; Anything is possible." You couldn't help but snort as Luke's gaze flicked between the two of you.

"I'm sorry," he said, "It sounded like he just said he was a lizard driving a carriage."

"Yeah..." you smiled shyly, "And the carriage is a pumpkin and the horses are mice."

"You are actually certifiably insane!" he exclaimed in a whisper. You smiled politely at the guards as they let you through, having no idea what you and Luke were saying to each other.

You waited until they were out of hearing range to speak at your normal volume as you walked toward the front entrance of the castle.

"Lu, I know I sound crazy, but you're just gonna have to trust me on this!" you told him, "I mean, honestly: Do you think Clara bought me this dress? Or allowed me to come here in my own carriage? I'm not supposed to be here at all!"

"You have a point..." he murmured, "But... A fairy godmother, Y/N?"

"I was as surprised as you are," you laughed nervously, "Listen, Lu... I have until midnight to enjoy all of this."

"What happens at midnight?"

"This all goes away," you sighed, "The carriage will turn back into a pumpkin, the horses and driver will turn back into mice and a lizard, and this dress will be gone forever... And I don't know if I'll meet Michael again tonight or if anything will change about the reality I live in every day... But I just want one night to pretend I'm a princess and that I don't have to put up with my awful step-mother and step-sisters." Luke sighed at the pleading look on your face.

"You more than anyone deserve a night to forget what you're living with right now," he told you as you walked into the castle, "So I'll find you and then meet you right here at 11:45."

"Thank you, Lu!" you squealed, throwing your arms around his neck.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," he chuckled, hugging you back, "You're lucky I put up with you." You smiled again, kissing his cheek before rushing toward the ballroom. "Glass?" you heard Luke say, "Really?"

"They're quite comfortable," you winked over your shoulder, hearing him laugh as you turned the corner.

The party in the ballroom got louder as you got closer. Your steps were more cautious, nervous at knowing that everyone would stare at you since you were arriving so late. But as the guards stood at the doors opened them for you and you were at the top of the staircase, it was like none of that mattered anymore.

Sure, everyone still stared at you, but they weren't looking on in disgust that you were late; They seemed like they were in awe. You stood there for a moment, admiring how beautiful the ballroom looked, before beginning to descend the stairs.

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