Too Good to Be True (Zach DeWall) - Part 1

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an au in which you can feel every time someone touches your soulmate and one of you starts to notice that they feel like they get hit a lot (catelyn really wanted this to be for zach so i wrote it for zach lmao)

Trigger warning: Mentions of abuse


Zach's POV

Since the moment you were born, all Zach had ever felt was the faint feeling of being hugged and pat on the back and kissed wherever you'd gotten hurt when you were playing. He felt when you had your first kiss and he knew about every time you'd faked it in bed because you just wanted it to end already. He felt every stubbed toe and when you broke your finger after falling on the playground... He felt it all.

And he wondered if you yourself could feel the nights he worried himself so much that he got sick when he started to notice that he felt like he got punched on some part of his body nearly every single day. 

Your POV

You knew from the moment you met Jonah that he wasn't your soulmate. He had this too-good-to-be-true vibe about him the second the first word came out of his mouth, and you quickly realized your gut was right.

It started out as light shoves – a seemingly nothing gesture when you'd honestly forgotten something – but it quickly turned into fists on your face just because he was bored. You asked yourself constantly why you stayed with him – you never understood how people could stay in relationships where they were being abused – but when you started experiencing it yourself, you finally had the answer.

You were scared.

Jonah, up until you were brave enough to leave him, terrified you. Honestly, sometimes, he still terrified you. You were always worried about the 'what if's.

What if he finds out where I'm living and shows up at my door? What if he asks someone where I am and hurts them when they don't tell him? What if he already knows where I am and is on his way right now?

You hated living in fear more than you hated actually living with Jonah – really, you did – because at least living with Jonah meant you knew you were going to be abused. But not living with Jonah meant you were damn near having a panic attack each and every time someone knocked on your apartment door.

Zach's POV

After Zach hadn't felt anything for a few weeks, he was understandably starting to worry. As terrible as it made him think he was, at least when he felt like he was being hit, he knew his soulmate was alive. But now that he hadn't felt anything, he was almost constantly sick to his stomach with paranoia.

Deep down, no matter how much he didn't want to believe it was the case, he knew his soulmate was being abused – by who? He didn't know – and he hated himself for not knowing who or where she was so he could get her out of it.


To get his mind off of everything – or at least try to – Zach walked into the barren Starbucks, smiling at the barista as he approached the counter.

"Hey, Zach!" he chirped, "Usual?"

"Yes, please," he nodded, getting his wallet out as the barista began making his drink, "How's life?"

"Not great, honestly," he chuckled lightheartedly, "My girlfriend just up and left me the other day."

"What?" Zach furrowed his eyebrows, "Why would she do that?"

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