The Best Worst Day (Calum Hood) *

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LOOK AT THIS SHIT. IT'S NOT ASHTON OR LUKE FOR ONCE. WOWOWOW. it is still 5sos though so. sorry if ur not about that life.

Warnings: Harassment


You had just gotten off of your shift at the 24-hour diner you worked at and were walking back to your apartment building. This wasn't unusual – you only lived about 10 minutes away, so you didn't see the need to drive. What was unusual though was the man that currently following you.

You had seen this 40-something looking man a few times within the last couple weeks. He would come into the diner about half an hour or so after your shift started, but he would stay later and later every time. His eyes never seemed to leave you, giving you an incredibly unsettling feeling. You had never been watched so closely before and you honestly didn't know to do.

You made the dumbest decision, however, by clocking out as normal and leaving through the front door instead of the door in the kitchen, because as soon as you walked out the door, your creepy admirer got up and left 10 seconds later.

It wasn't until the man let out an accidental cough that you even noticed anyone was behind you. You barely looked over your shoulder, and when he realized that you knew he was there, he started walking faster. This obviously sent you into an immediate panic and the moment you turned the corner, you started running. You mentally cursed yourself for not leaving your phone on the charger for just a little bit longer because, of course, it had died 5 minutes before you clocked out of work.

You breathed a small sigh of relief when you saw a phone booth coming up, hurrying into it and locking yourself inside. You pulled out all the change you had in your pocket – just enough to use the payphone – and stuffed it into the machine. You then shakily dialed your neighbor's number, not even realizing you'd hit a couple wrong buttons until the person picked up after the fourth ring.

"Hello?" the man's voice said groggily, clearly having just been woken up.

"Oh my God, you're not my neighbor," you felt your tears start falling, "Oh my God. You're not my neighbor."

"Yeah, I think you've got the wrong number," he told you. You let out a shaky sob and softly said you were sorry, but he stopped you from hanging up the phone. "Are you okay?" he asked, "Why are you crying? And don't tell me you're not crying because I know you're crying. What happened?"

"I just got off work and I was walking home when this guy started following me and I found this phone booth because my phone is dead and I tried to call my neighbor but my hands are shaking really bad and I accidentally dialed your number instead," you cried softly, "I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to wake you up." You heard some rustling on the other end of the phone, but you couldn't make out what it was.

"Is he still following you?"

"I don't know," you whimpered, "I don't want to turn around and look."

"What's your name?" he asked you. There was a faint sound of jingling and then you heard a door close.


"My name's Calum," he said, "Listen, Y/N, I'm going to ask you to do something that might sound a little weird, but I promise you're going to be fine, alright?" You hummed in response as a gesture for him to continue. "I need you to tell me where you are so I can make sure you get home safely, okay?"

For whatever reason – you didn't know why – you trusted this person. He was doing an exceptional job at keeping you calm in what was probably the single scariest situation you've ever been in, and you knew he wasn't going to hurt you when he got there.

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