Job In Detroit

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I hear my alarm go off and I quickly open up my eyes. It's morning. I sit up and pull the jacket hanging off my headboard and put it on.

Why can't I just stay home ugh

I get up and go to the bathroom. I brush my teeth then quickly get into the shower shortly. So..I'm gonna have a tour of the building I might work at. Gonna meet Royce there. Eh, doesn't really seem like a bad day.

Royce did say I could get a tour of the studio I might assist at. Even though the job isn't guaranteed. Hopefully it'll be fun tho. After I get out of the shower, I put on skinny jeans, a tank top and some sneakers. I put on some mascara and leave my hair down. After doing my hair, I get a text on my phone. It's Royce.

I'm already at the studio. Hurry up and get your lazy ass over here. I told you that you should be here early but you aren't here, now are you??..

Fucking Royce. Always tryna start shit. Ever since we started being friends. Man, those were the days. We faded apart for a few years after his fame started happening but we're inseparable now. I never really got to know the "famous" side of him. Never went to any of his "after parties", never met any of his other friends that are also celebrities. I was never interested. I've always known the real, casual side of Royce and I'd like to keep it that way. Although today that might change. After all, I am going over to one of his studios. Some of his friends might be there. Fuck.

Well good morning to you too, Royce! You're such a gentleman sometimes! Anyway, you never said anything about being early so shut the fuck up. Plus, I'm about to go into my car so I'll be on my way

I leave my apartment and get into my car. It's about a 15 minute drive. There isn't really much traffic on this side of Detroit so I get there fairly quickly. I see the building. So basically, I'll get a tour of the studio, know how things work, and maybe also get a tour of the rest of the building. I get out of my car. I walk into the building and see at least 5 people but just at the entrance.

I see a woman who I assume works at the building.

Hi, um I'm looking for Royce da 5'9. Is he around?

May I ask for your name?

Y/n. I might get a job here but it's not guaranteed.

Oh, you're Royce's friend. Right this way.

Shady's Forbidden Love Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora