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'I was going to be productive today but then I found this website.'


"What's a meme, honey," Oliver asked, looking up from her tablet. The tablet that he said he'd using for work.

Felicity, slammed her coffee down on the table, trying not to choke. "Um, first, it's called a meme not a meh-may. And second, what exactly are you doing with my tablet."

"Uh, nothing! I mean, just work." He swallowed, quickly closing the tablet and setting it down on the table. "I think I'm done now."

"Oliver Queen! You know I can check browser history, right?"

"Browser history?" he questioned, raising his eyebrows.

"You know, browser history? Like— Never mind, forget it. So spit it out. What were you doing with my tablet."

"Well. . ."

"Oliver," she warned.

"You were the one who set up a Facebook account for me!" he accused, earning a groan from his fiancée.

"You haven't been doing that the whole time, right?" Felicity asked hopefully.

"Not the whole time. . ." he trailed off, realising that he kind of sort of maybe had been on Facebook all day.

"I cannot believe you!"

"Sorry!" he apologised, throwing his hands out.

"No, you're not!"

"Yeah. Not really."

"You're hopeless."


Based off of a prompt for day eleven of the Olicity fic challenge.

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