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For day five of the 14 Days of Olicity challenge.


Felicity steps carefully through the doorway, her child held carefully in her in her her arms. She smiles as Oliver sets his hand gently on her back.

"This is your home, Jonas," Felicity whispers, looking down at the little face tucked against her body.

She can practically feel Oliver's smile radiating against her skin as they walk through their house for the first time with their son.

All of the sudden, Felicity hears a huge crash, then paws scrabbling across the hard wood floor. "Sammy," she says, smiling. The dog runs up to Felicity, Oliver, and their new baby they sit down on the couch, climbing up on Oliver's lap to see little Jonas.

"Careful, puppy," Felicity warns, causing Oliver to chuckle.

Sammy crawls closer to Jonas, whimpering quietly, his black nose sniffing the child's little white onesie.

Then all at once, Sammy curls around him, resting that big head of his on Jonas's tiny little feet.

"Looks like Sams has found himself a new best friend," Oliver comments, keeping his hand protectively on his son's side.

"I need a picture of this," Felicity coos, wiggling out from underneath the dog and her little boy, being careful not to disturb either of them.

"Of course you do," Oliver teases, but Felicity can tell that it is lighthearted by the way his eyes are crinkling in a smile.

Felicity could barely keep from beaming as she took the photo.

"We're getting this framed."

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