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Dedicated to Sarah_BouBou_Barclay , blue_red_shorty , fangirl_225 for voting

"What the hell is this, I asked for White Moon not a stripper crew?" Shawn asks when Red and Kim pull up.

"The White Moon Pack is supposed to send their best," He complains not liking the idea of girls helping him.

No shit Sherlock. Do want to tell us your new discovery on what the color of the sky is?

So I did say that Kim and Red are in the car, which they were, and I would hold back Zax. So far that has been accomplished except for the fact that we got caught and she almost went to beast mode.

"I know, we still have two, oh there they are being guarded by two of your minions." Red says right when they see us, both human, in the shadows being guided with werewolves and their guns.

Zax gets this glint in her eyes that only I catch. She has broken past the alpha power from my presence and is trying to break free to attack. I look in her eyes showing her who is boss, then I let her go.

She flips to the two guys and beat them to the floor one by one making them unable to move from some pressure points. They challenged her in their own ways so even though she isn't on the rank ladder, I am her alpha.

"They should be up in about five minutes. If it's any longer I would advise you to change guards." Rina states, wiping blood from the side of her mouth.

"Where are the people White Moon sent?" Shawn commands, sending it to me.

He must have gotten more observant since I left, he noticed my aura and how I commanded Rina. Before he can blink, as fast as a vampire (it's an expression calm your asses. Ass.) I have a knife at his throat.

He gulps, his Adam's apple going up and down. His minions growl at me, ready to pounce and give their life for their alpha. He has them trained, like normal dogs. Not great dogs, normal dogs.

"Call your minions, she's a beast when mad." Kim says to Shawn with a soothing, reasonable voice that has gotten us out of tough political spots. Maybe she is worth something...

Shawn flicks his wrist in fear and they back down, his minions might be more trained then I thought. Soon a guy, obviously their beta, comes running and stops short when he sees the scene in front of him happening.

I know right away who he is and I can tell he knows exactly who I am. Kim, goes up to him and whispers something in his ear. He nods in understanding and she goes back to Rina's side. They grouped together once I made the movement to Shawn.

I didn't know they knew each other. Unobservant Violet strikes again. (One of my friends actually says this but with her name, it's amazing.)

"Where's your Luna, Alpha?" Rina sneers wryly.

A blonde woman comes out of their house to Shawns side as if on cue. He kisses her head tenderly and I notice some very important facts about her. This Luna is not a werewolf, she doesn't have the particular scent. Her hair is dyed different colors and she has a specific detailed tattoo on her exposed arm. I strut up to her and look in her eyes, challenging her.

"Scar!" Red squeals not noticing the exchange between Scar and me.

She looks away and to anyone else *cough*Shawn*cough* would see it as I threatened her. In reality I challenged her to see if she still was loyal. If I had been any other person she wouldn't back down but as I am who I am she backs down knowing who is in charge.


Fuck off Mr. Alpha.

"I feel really bad for you. Oh and you broke a rule." Kim mutters under her breath just loud enough for Scar to hear her.

She smiles with happiness from my acceptance, "I know right! I feel bad for me also. And just wait till you find your mate." She says, the last part directed to me.

The happiness erases from my eyes that had been closing in at the sight of my bets and my shield automatically goes up.

"I'm afraid that will never happen. When she was really young my first one died, they second, well they rejected each other, by the way it looks you knew that." Red answers for me as it were obvious that I wouldn't.

Scar seems a little hurt at how I didn't personally answer but she should know better than to expect anything else.

"Your asshole thinks we're incompetent in training him and his minions." Rina informs her stepping up next to her sister again, informing her beta of the predicament the pack is in.

Scar glares at Shawn "Do you know how bad this looks! This team is the best of the best, trained by the best. I should slay you for being sexist." She says, touting her horn.

It's not like I don't do the same when I speak. She also slapped him in the back of the head multiple times, show him who's boss like you should. Shawn rolls his eyes but after years of watching people I could see the faint trace of fear in his eyes.

"Puh-lease. This weak she-wolf can't take you, let alone me." Shawn says smugly, his alpha pride clouding over his common sense, the little has anyway.

"Your death." She warns then comes and stands next to me, taking my side.

"Oh kay Shawny poo. You think your macho, Winter will face all of your warriors including you. If she beats them then we get to train you, do what ever we want, and take your lovely Luna on a trip I know she will love. If you win we will go away with a few words of parting. Seem good?" He thinks about Kim's deal and once he's satisfied there isn't a loophole he shakes my hand.

I know Scar already said this, but Shawn in his minions are dead. This should be fun.For me that is....It is their funeral so I can't speak for them. I bet they wish their alpha was smart and didn't fall into a pit of self-pride.

RANDOM QUOTE/FUN FACT OF THE CHAPTER: There are 923 words in the English language that break the "I before E" rule. Only 44 words actually follow that rule.

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