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I feel I say this a lot, but thank you all for reading this. I actually didn't think this book would go anywhere, I wrote it crappy because I didn't understand how crappy written books were so popular, then I wrote this bag of shit. I didn't really want to write this, and it started as a dare from OpenUrEyz to write. Thanks so much and go and give her some love.

Dedicated to fangirl_225 , faye1511 , blue_red_shorty , Sarah_BouBou_Barclay , all of you on wattpad, you are amazing.

Trotting though the familiar and lonely forested area from my old pack with the slight wind through my fur I sigh wistfully. I remember the few times when I had loved life and actually had a smile on my face. Its not like I didn't choose to be this person in the world. My decisions got me here from the crap the people through at me. Pain is what makes you, you, how you live with it defines who you are as a person. I reacted badly to the pain, because no one really taught or showed me examples love or happiness when growing up.

Most of the few moments of bliss that I can think of I would always be running through the trees in any area of woods with a huge smile on my face. Running through the forest was when and where I could be free of all expectations shoved onto my tiny shoulders when I was a tinny tot and how cruel my guardians were.

It's pretty much a trade secret in Black pack on who I really am even though they probably feel like I just am a baby, let them think. Even though only a select few know some facts on who I am, which is better than the ones who don't know a thing, you always think you know someone.

In the very beginning the only reason I dyed my hair was because of how painstakingly obvious how you could tell that something was different with me in the picture of mothers perfect beta family. I always stood out from the typical werewolf look with their brown haired and eyed with tan skin stereotype of the family. I mean, I used to have blonde hair, brown eyes and pale skin but that changed that year.

After that adaptation dying my hair just became habit by the time I left shitty Black Pack.

It truly all changed my personality and attitude for me the day I stumbled/uncovered the truth. Before I knew, I was already so much different and stood apart from the other children. How I would act and how I was meant to act were pretty much polar opposites, how my instincts wanted me to behave compared the rules set for my behavior was crushing.

I was this unnatural freak that stood out of everyone with my dark clothing and my emo attitude and persona when I was really expected to be a well behaved, strong and powerful young woman who at the time has the chance to take over the beta set in the pack.

I don't know what they should have expect with how I, child at two taken away from all that was known and familiar and cursed to this place of cruelty and hatred where I collected my temperament and abusive persona. Then I was shipped to a place of frozen temperatures and a cold shoulder when it comes to bullying to learn social skills didn't help my growth that each child needs to survive in the world without becoming socially declinable. Why would they think I would turn out normal and not with mental struggles?

I've had to adapt so many times, almost all the reasons why bad because of what I used to preserve as right and wrong when I was little. Now I know how it's time for my next adaptation, the one that I've managed to evade and trick for the past years.

My adaptation for me to live and to thrive as I was always meant to do. I couldn't control my beast as I have been, like how I learned but now I know it, I couldn't even take care of myself, let alone do what is expected of me and not fail and kill thousands of people in my species.

Going to the ledge of this cliff which drops to the cool blue ocean, an area that I claimed as my own years ago when I lived here I look at the breathtaking view in front of me. This is a breathtaking view of the mountains and sea that no matter how many times I've looked at; it's still beautiful. This picture of perfection is oddly an amazing sight for sore eyes.

Ready for this long waited adjustment I look over the edge one more time, gaining my courage. There have been many regrets in my life, this being one of them. I have been through personal hell and now I'm ready to take a small step forward and conquer one of my greatest phobias and fears I earned when I was younger.

I stand up close to the end of the edge, close enough to almost see exactly below me and my legs tense underneath me ready for my next movement, peeping. Until a heavy weight crashes on my side; something that will leave a mark.

"Seriously?!" I yell at the sky, and the guy who crashed into me.

But mostly the guy.

The thing that I had been trying to gather the courage to do for years whips out of me to the air and the cold from the water freezes me already numbing body. What idiot made the switching of warriors in the fall through winter?

Oh wait....it was a distant relative of mine who though it could get people closer with the holidays and so not anyone can leave because of the weather. So stupid.

A cough from the guy brings me out of my hatred towards some of my....lesser relatives. For once even my beast agrees with my thinking.....I don't blame her since this cruel thinking usually brought me to abusing and making my wolf submit.

The guy sits up quick with a groan of pain. I bite back a growl from myself and the beast at this measly wolf, one lesser then I who just dared to take something so precocious that I had a clear and bolded right to.

This male with brown hair and blue eyes eyes me cautiously and I hold the feeling to rip his head off while standing up and dusting myself off. The male had no right to touch me in any form of way. The only souls who could ever dare to acknowledge me are my pack and my mate which I don't have. One wrong move and I fear I might have another death on my hands of red.

"Is that how you thank people for saving you?" he better not keep talking if he values his manhood, "I've never seen you before, why is that?" He asks confused.

I roll my eyes "You must be new in this pack and completely stupid. I'm here to save your asses. My name is Vio aparently while I stay in this shit hole. Thank you, so so very much for making my shitty life harder."

"Promise I won't have to save you from jumping off a cliff again?" He pleads in a joking matter, for some reason this male felt the need to protect me. Strange, yet very intriguing.

"I don't make promises. They cannot possibly be kept." I inform him as smartass-ly as possible, not really meaning it.

"Whatever psycho girl. I'm David Boris." He introduces, giving me a mock bow that my beast and I aren't content to. I wasn't to keen with this wolf and his mysterious power he held.

Then I start to wonder, which by now anyone should know that this is never a good thing. Why did David stop me? It took so long for me to finally accept who I am and the person I was supposed to be as my birthright as he just strips it away from me, like as if it were a measly old bandaid.

Another question pops into my head. Why did David, a complete stranger care enough in the world to help a shady figure who reeked of power from doing something that is nearly impossible for werewolves to do?

RANDOM QUOTE/FUN FACT OF THE CHAPTER: a flock of crows is known as a murder (duh duh duuuuuuh) and the 29th of May is officially "Put a Pillow on Your Fridge Day.

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