forever- Chapter 1 Family

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Being different is an understatement. Being naturally

gifted is a good way to put it, well in my way of thinking at least. I

come from a naturally gifted family, which is uniquely different then

any other family. Monsters or not, we are what we are. Some of

us embrace it and some of us, like my family, choose a different way

of dealing with it.

Ways that came naturally to my mother and I but long-suffering for

the rest of the family. Vegetarians, an inside joke within the Cullen

family. Cold, beautiful, fast, strong, and undead are just some of

the typical traits for a normal vampire. The only difference between

typical vampires and the Cullen family is that the Cullen family all has

beautiful golden topaz colored eyes. A reaction to the animal blood

that we drink, instead of the normal diet of human blood that

others drink.

I on the other hand have big beautiful brown eyes, a strange but

very rare heart beat and very warm blood. Much like my family, yet

different. I am a half-breed, a mutant, more of a monster than my

family claims they are to be. A love child as some might see it as.

My father biologically, is a vampire, and my mother at the time was a

human. If it wasn't for my mothers devotion and love for me, I

surely wouldn't be here.

At the time I did not know what my mother was risking, her life.

Which in the end she got her wish both ways, me and her long-

lasting wish to be with my father for eternity. As far as I know they

are the most beautiful people on the world and their beauty just

carried onto me in so many ways.

There are so many perks to being half vampire. My special powers

or gift for one is my favorite. I can speak with my mind. I've

gotten to the point that I don't have to touch you for you see my

visions and to hear me. But they don't come out as clear as my

visions would if I really did touch you. My father's gift is similar to

mind. He can read peoples minds, which can get very annoying at

times. My mother can block people, mentally. She has a force field

that can block not only hers but the ones she is projecting her

shield out to.

My aunt Alice can predict the future, but her gift only works on

certain people. For instants me, she can see my future but only a

certain length ahead and all her visions of me are blurry. My human

side blurs her visions, and sometimes it even blocks off her powers

completely. She thinks it blocks out because like my mother I also

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