forever chapter 10 torn apart

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Jacob's POV

Her beautiful face was still, motionless, as was mine. The blood that ran from her head finally stopped after 6 hours and was slowly healing. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I knew something other than her injury was wrong. I paced back and forth as the Cullens ran in and out of the library of their house. I read all the titles of the books at least twice before I needed some air.

"Hey where are you going?" Edwards tone was harsh.

"For some air" I kept walking.

The moment I got outside I took off running towards the woods. My shirt was off before I hit the shadows. The fresh air hit me like a bullet. I wanted to cry so bad. How could I let something like this happen to the one I love so much? Renesmee's face was imprinted in my brain and the only thing I could think about was that I was the one that throw her into the tree.

'Jacob don't beat yourself over this she will be fine, I mean come on she's a vamp for crying out loud' Leah was running along my side.

'Leave me alone Leah'

'Hey you're the one that butted into my head ok' Leah let out a howl.

I pushed forward towards town and cut right to find a quiet place to change back into my human form.

'Jacob I know it will be hard and what not, but I am here for you if you need to talk.' Leah actually sounded like she cared.

'Thanks Leah, you can go get something to eat. Tell Seth to patrol' I changed back before she could answer.

The woods looked lonely. I felt lonely with out Renesmee. The horrible look on her face when she fell was torture. I never want to see her cry again. I felt the dirt rise as I ran faster through the lonely woods.

It only took me a few minutes to get out of Washington and into Canada. I knew it was foolish but I just needed to keep running. I should be back at the Cullen's holding renesmee's hand, next to her side waiting for her to wake up. But I couldn't tell myself to turn around. I just kept running.

Renesmee's POV

Death never occurred on my "to do" list before, but at this moment it sounded good to me. The pain I was feeling at this moment was unbearable yet I couldn't scream let alone move. My world was spinning and yet I was laying still as a board. No images, no visions, and no thinking. I felt dead to the world. Where was he, I couldn't feel him near me. Jacob.

Sadness washed over me. I tried to concentrate on finding a sound to pull me out of this isolation. But the only sound I could hear was a beeping noise. It got stronger and stronger but I couldn't make out the noise. Every second that I could hear it, it got louder. As I triggered the sound and concentrated harder, I figured it out. Grandpa's IV machine! I'm alive after all. I attempted to get up but nothing happened. Nothing.

The feeling in my arms and legs were gone. What was happening to me and why couldn't I get up?? Maybe if I scream.



My screams were soundless. Powerless, that's how I felt. Just powerless, as if I was a human, as if I was nothing but a weak and effortless human. Is that I am now? A human? The question ran through my mind over and over.

"No you are not!" I heard my father yell.

Did he hear me?

'Dad? Can you hear me?'

"Yes" I felt a slight touch on my side.

'What happened and where is Jacob?' I felt a tear run down my cheek as I said his name.

"You were in a coma state, but you are fine. Jacob had to get some fresh air" My fathers voice was sad.

"Renesmee! Oh my darling Renesmee!" my mothers voice was loud and alarming but her touch was warm on my skin.

Everyone came in to see me. The light was bright but it felt good to be able to see something. The objects in the room were blurry at first but as I got adjusted to everything, I noticed that everyone was standing around me. Made me feel uncomfortable yet safe. I looked around for Jacob, even if my dad already told me where he was. Where could he be?


The air felt as if it was freeing me, or clearing my head. The pain of me hurting Renesmee was throbbing. The woods were peaceful. I slowly made me way back to Renesmee. I heard something about five miles out of forks. I hid behind some bushes to see what exactly it was. I soon seen her. The witch that made me hurt my love. I charged after her in a instant. The only thing I could think of was Renesmee.

As I leaped for her, she disappeared. I seen water and rocks fast, the water was ice cold and the rocks stung when I smashed into them. A boulder broke when my left shoulder smashed into it. I transformed into my human form the moment I could. I could barely move when I made it to the surface. Gasping for air, I quickly started to swim towards the shore. For only being a few 100 feet from the shore, I just couldn't get closer. For some reason it felt like I wasn't swimming at all.

My shoulder was throbbing with pain but I still tried to paddle with both arms. Still I was not moving at all. With all my might I threw myself forward. Kicking, paddling and even trying to dive to get just a little bit closer. I was getting thrown around from the waves and pretty soon I just gave up swimming all together.

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