chapter six

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

Alot has changed. It's been a year since me and Sean first kissed...Today would be our one year anniversary...I wanted to get Sean something amazing...But....Sadly he was off at Pax with Mark,Felix, and Ken. So I was left all alone in Ireland... I decided to make Jack a small septic-sam toy that he could use as a key chain. As I got everything together I heard my computer go off.. Jack was calling. I walked over and clicked the answer button. I waited as his video feed pulled up and I smiled. "Hello Jack!" He gave me a tired smile. It was probably the middle if the night for him in L.A "hello..." I snickered a bit "Tired, love?" He laughed and nodded "you wouldn't believe the day I've had...I'm so ready to come home and cuddle up with you and sleep for ever...." I laugh at his comment "Sleep is pretty good. So why did you call?" He tried to remember before his face lit up. "Happy one year anniversary! I'm so sorry I'm not there to celebrate but I'll be back soon. My plane leaves tomorrow at eight am. Well...I'm going to sleep...Night." I smiled. "Good night" I blew him a kiss and he smiled as the call ended.

Time skip a day

I was taking a nap when I faintly heard a door open and close and I felt some thing next to me. They were warm...They had on a sweater of some kind and a pair of jeans. Sean. I slowly opened my eyes and looked over at him. "I'm sorry...Did I wake you?" I shook my head "I wasn't even really asleep." He nodded as he pulled me closer. "I got you a gift while I was away" I smiled "really?" He nodded and sat up. He went over to his bags and crouched down to grab something. It was a dark green from what I could see so far. When he turned to face me he was holding a septic Sam that had on my tardis jacket and had my eye color. "Wow.." I sat up and he handed it to me. It looked amazing. "Did a fan give you this?" He half nodded half shook his head. "I met a fan who was extremely good a sewing and I made a request for this...It even has your name on the back of the jacket." I turned it around to reveal in embroidered lettering of my full name. Not including my middle because Sean knows I don't let anyone know that. I smiled at him "it's amazing!" He smiled back and pulled me into a hug. "I got you something too..." He smiled "really?" ..... "No...I didn't I just decided our one year anniversary was just going to be us eating fish and chips all day, sorry love...." He laughed at my British sarcasm,which...Sadly I'm not British...I'm Irish but I watch to much Doctor who, while I got up and grabbed his gift. I walked back over and handed him the key chain. "It's not as good as your gift..." He shook his head "it's amazing! Thank you (Y/n)!" I smiled as he set it down and hugged me again. "Thank you..." I smiled "No. Thank you..." We layed back down after a while and I pulled my septic-sammy ,as Sean had already given her a name, close to me while he pulled me close and we both fell asleep

An actual update on the story! That I'm proud of! >3< YAY!

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