Chapter two

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It turned out me and Sean had almost all the same classes when it came to core classes. Yet we we're both studying for different degrees. I had wanted to be a teacher for most of my life so whatever Sean wanted to do must be similar in a way. I shrugged it off as I turned back to my computer to finish up my report I had to turn in by Friday.

As soon as I start typing again, I heard a soft buzzing from my bed so I walked over and grabbed my phone reading the caller ID. Sean..what could he want at ten at night? I sighed lightly and answered but what I heard scared me...
H-he was crying and I could feel the pain in his voice while he did.


(Y/n): yes?

I heard him sniff and let out a shakey breath

S: this may sound dumb... B-but can I come over? I need you...

The words hit me like a brick. He needed me?

(Y/n): yeah sure.

I gave him the directions to my dorm

S: Thanks.. see you in a bit. Also I'm bringing some stuff. Hope you don't mind

He hung up before I could respond, probably not wanting me to reject him. I sighed and went into my living room and cleaned it up a bit so it wasn't nearly as dirty as it was before.

About twenty minutes later I herd a stiff knock at the door. I knew it was going to be Sean but when I saw him I was stunned.

His eyes were puffy with tears while his face was bright red as if he had been crying for hours without end. He walked in and hugged me. It shocked me like before but, I accepted it and hugged him back and gently whispered to him. "What's wrong?" He sighed and walked over to my couch him dragging me along. He sat us both down.

"I called up my girlfriend today to ask if she wanted to hang out but, she hadn't answered me. I was nervous about why she wouldn't answer because she had always answered me when I called. I decided to go give her a visit to see if she was fine. When I went over there to make sure she was okay I had seen another guy there...she dumped me on the spot. I wanted to be alone for a while but I saw your name in my phone and I wanted to know if I...." He took a deep breath like he was nervous or something. "If I could stay with you for a while... just till I calm down... I really need someone to talk too..." I gasped a could see the light tint of blush on his face even though he had been red already it was clear as day. I nodded slowly and he pulled me into a hug. "Thanks" I smiled and hugged him back. "No problem... no problem at all..."

We let go of each other as he yawned. He's clearly tired. "So I assume the stuff you brought was your stuff you may need while you're here?" He nodded "Y-yeah" I nodded back and smiled. "Why don't you go get ready while I'll make us some hot chocolate. Sound good to you?" He nodded and smiled. "Mind if I change your room?" I nodded "I don't mind. It's right over there" I gestured over to my door as we both got up. " be back in a little bit. Ok?" He nodded and grabbed his stuff and went to my room"

Seans P.O.V

I was glad she let me stay. I really needed her comfort. And....while my other friends who already knew had tried to help me all I really wanted was (Y/n)'s help.

I walked into her room my bag in hand. I heard the front door closed so I didn't close her door behind me when I walked in.

I tossed my stuff onto her bed being careful not to ruin stuff around or on her bed. I looked around a bit, she had posters of Doctor who and my little pony all over the walls, Which made me laugh a bit, she really was a kid at heart. I guess that's why I loved her so much. I froze. Woah....And then it hit me. The reason I why I cared about her so much...I like her... alot...

I took in a deep breath and pulled out my pajama pants and slipped them on..I dug through my back for a while in search of my pajama T-shirt but I must have left it. I sighed a bit and slipped on my good shirt again and took the bag of (Y/n)'s bed and set it in the corner of the room.

I walked over to her computer desk, out of pure curiosity, to find she had been writing a school report. But the other tab was what cought my eye. She had a youtube tab open with my channel pulled up. And she must had been watching me play little inferno because that was the playlist that had been opened. I smiled gently and opened up her report again so she wouldn't think I'm some creep looking through her stuff. I walked out of her room and layed back down on her couch.

It was comfy and she must have taken a shower earlier because it smelled of coconut. I yawned and started to drift off whenever I heard the front door open and close. I sat up to see (Y/n) carrying two mugs of hot chocolate. I walked over and grabbed one of the mugs and she gave me a greatful look.

We both sat down on the couch and started to drink our hot chocolate while we chatting it up. After about thirty minutes I felt something or, someone on my shoulder. She had fallen asleep on my shoulder which caused me to smile. I chuckled a bit and took her mug from her soft hand and placed it onto the coffee table next to mine. I stood up and gently picked her up bridal style and carried her into her room.

I placed her down onto the bed and covered her up as I smiled down at her. I walked out of her room a little while later,closing her door behind me, and back into the living room. When I reached the living room I laid back down on the couch. After a moment I subconsciously took of my shirt and fell asleep.

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