Chapter 9- Incomplete Tasks

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'It's better to have your heart broken by him leaving than having him break your heart every day.' -Unknown

A light knock on the door, woke me up at about 7 in the evening. I sluggishly walked towards the door and opened it to find a servant stand there. After asking what he wanted, he informed that Dad wanted to see me in his office. Sighing, I nodded and walked to dad's room, curiously wondering about what he wanted to speak about. I knocked on the glass door, heard a 'come in' from him and walked inside the room.

"Did you call for me, dad?" I asked, taking a seat down on the leather chair.
"Yes. Yes, I did." He looked up at me and pulled out his glasses. "I need to talk to you."

I nodded, informing him to go on. He continued, "I have been very impressed with your work, Cassandra. I'm not saying this as your father but as the founder of the King Enterprises. This morning, I received a call from Grover, the sales executive and it seems we are doing well in market."

I smiled. "That's good, then."

"And so, being you father, I grant you a month off in The Maldives." I gasped.
"The M-Maldives?" I asked, disbelieving.
"Yes. You need to relax yourself before we take part in the World Trade Exhibition." He smiled.

I nodded, still unable to believe him. "But dad, Maldives is too far. What if there is some emergency and they need me?"
"I'll handle it or send Henry." He smiled. "After all, it was Henry who planned this-"

I gasped. Henry planned this! He must have planned something terrible.

"H-Henry planned all this?" I asked.
"Yes, sweetie. He does care a lot about his elder sister." Dad smiled as I managed to fake a smile.
"Oh. Alright. I-I have to go, now." I held onto the arm rest for support and got up, shaking.

I couldn't go, leaving Henry in charge of everything. If he is behind the messages, then I, at no cost will let him stay behind. I need to first figure out if he is indeed the messenger...

I walked out the office and looked around. No one was around.
I tiptoed to Henry's room and slightly opened the door to find no one there. Great. I quickly got into the room, locked the door behind me and rushed to his bed, looking for his phone.

Under the pillows? Not there.
In the bed side drawers? Not there either.
'On' the bed side drawers? Nope.
On his dressing table? Not there.

Starting to lose hope, I last checked his jacket that was hung on the hanger. Slowly advancing, I got hold of the jacket, pushed my hand into a random pocket and voila! It was there!
A smile replaced my frown as I tried unlocking his phone. Luckily, he didn't keep a password for his phone.
'Should you really do this?' The thought of invading my brother's privacy, suddenly, clouded my mind. I bit my lip. Henry hated people who dared not respect his privacy. The last thing I would ever want was get avoided by my brother. I felt my fingers shake- He will never know. He doesn't need to know.

I nodded, afraid but proceeded. I opened the messages section in his phone. And there I saw the section which said 'last messaged'. I clicked it to find my name there first. I gasped. And just as I was about to view the messages, the door knob shuffled. I gasped, feeling my heart race in my chest.

Shit. What am I supposed to do now?

I quickly pushed Henry's phone into his jacket, walked to the door and ran a hand over my hair, to look presentable. And then, I grasped the door knob and opened the door, to find Henry standing there.

"What were you doing in 'my' room?" Henry asked as I gulped.
"Uh.... I-I came here.... Um...." I stuttered, making Henry raise an eyebrow at me. "To-Um...."

Noticing that things were getting out of hand, I blurted, "I NEEDED TO USE THE BATHROOM!"

Henry burst out laughing, "What happened to your own?"

I looked down, embarrassed. "Um... The-Uh... The flush isn't working."

Henry held onto his stomach, laughing harder. I bit the inner of my cheek.
"Alright. Alright." He managed to croak. I bit my lip and walked away.

God... Thank God.

But I still get enough evidence. I needed more. Great. More lies coming up...


Later That Night...

There was an awkward silence at dinner. Every now and then, I kept glancing over to Henry, wondering whether he found someone messed with his phone. But he seemed perfectly alright, smiling at me. A part of me felt guilty and regretful to invade Henry's privacy. Because I know how it feels like when people don't give a sh*t about your privacy and I don't want Henry mistrusting me. I would never like anyone mistrusting me, ever.

"Why do you seem so gloomy, Cassey?" Mom asked, serving me a small portion of soup.
"Me? No. N-Nothing." I lied.
"Mom, she's just worried about the flush." Henry laughed.
"Flush?" Dad asked, on the verge of laughing.
"Yes. Her flush is broken." Henry continued, earning a glare from me. "Alright. Alright. Calm down."
"Her flush?' Dad asked, again on the verge of bursting out, laughing.
"Her toilet's flush." Mom glared at dad, making him shut up. I smiled.
"Oh. So do you need anyone to repair it?" Dad asked as I shook my head.
"It's fine." I bit my lip, trying to control my laughter.
"Cassandra, dear, if it's-"
"About to burst with faeces flying in the air, then you really better get some help right this second." Henry interrupted, laughing. I laughed with him.
"That's disgusting, Henry." Dad croaked but could not stop laughing. Whereas, mom glared at the both of them.
"Like father, like son." She mumbled under her breath.
"Mom, you forgot to mention me." I laughed. She rolled her eyes.
"Cassandra, you better finish the soup." Mom said.
"No, mom. I'm full." I pouted.
"Unless your worried about poop and the flush." Henry joked. I laughed.
"Enough, Henry." Mom warned, shutting Henry up.
"Fine." Henry pouted, sipping onto his soup.

I bit my lip. Was this the same family I was angry at before? How ridiculous! Was this the same Henry I doubted? Unfortunately, yes.

"Henry, I need to talk to you." I blurted, regretting it. But now that Henry heard me, he was going to nag me.
"About what?" Henry smirked. I gulped. I couldn't confront him. I wasn't ready yet.
"Erm, is it fine if I use your bathroom for a while?" I asked, wiping my mouth and standing up. He laughed but nodded. I smiled at him.
"Thank you."

Authors Note-
Well, there you go. I just want to thank @jackaboymarkimoo and also @Opalpixie13 for their votes. It was a sweet move of them. Well, don't be a silent reader and share the story.

Thank u,
The Author

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