Chapter 8

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A/N: This is not an allusion this is the long awaited Chapter 8, I finally finished up my other story so now I'm back to this. Alright so lets get this chapter started alright.

It has been a few days since Dipper and Mabel's 17th Birthday party, and Pacifica announcing the baby's gender. But since they have a late August birthday that means that sometime in the very near future, they would have to return to school. Luckily for them this is their final year in that hellhole known as high school.

Although on the first day a lot of people were poking fun at Pacifica due to the fact that she is pregnant, she was about to cry when Candy and Grenda started to take her side.


"Her family kicked her out of their house," said Candy, "And being picked on is the last thing she needs."

"SO YOU ALL BETTER APOLOGIZE TO HER OR BEAT YOU TO THE GROUND," said Grenda. (BTW I do not encourage violence ever)

They all apologize to Pacifica and go along with their day.

"Thanks for helping me back there," said Pacifica.

"No problem," said Candy.

"We know you don't need any of their bullshit," said Grenda.

Meanwhile with Dipper and Mabel.

"So bro bro ready for our final year of High School?" Mabel asked.

"More than I'll ever be," said Dipper, "I mean its our last year for everything, but that means I'm one step closer to my dream of starting my own ghost hunting show."

"Seriously Dipper you still have that crazy dream of yours?"

"Better than your dream of yours."

"Hey there is a business for animal fashion."

"You keep saying that."

Just then Mabel bumps into someone.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry I'm new here so i don't know where to...... Mabel?"

"It's okay I mean you didn't cause any...... Jackson?"

They then hug.

"Omg Jackson, I missed you," said Mabel.

"I missed you to Mabel," said Jackson.

"What are you doing here I thought you were still working on music?"

"I was but apparently my last album pretty much bombed. So because of that my record label dropped me from their roster."

"Oh that sucks!"

"Meh, these things happen."

"Mabel who is this guy?" Dipper asked.

"Dipper you remember Jackson aka Jack B," said Mabel.

Dipper then remembers.

"Oh right you didn't get how I got a girlfriend," said Dipper.

"Yeah sorry about that, we cool?" Jackson asked.

"Yeah, besides even I don't understand how I got to go out with me."

Jackson chuckles.

"By the way, how is she doing?" Jackson asked.

"Hehe funny story, I    got     her       pregnant," said Dipper.

"Let me guess went to party, things got crazy, and you two started 'socializing'?"

"How did you know?"

"I seen it happened with a few of my groupies on tour. You don't even want know how much child support they owe."

"I can take a guess but it would be somewhere between 1 and infinity."

"Surprising it goes over infinity. Like I don't even know how that's possible."

A few hours later it was time for lunch.

Pacifica and Dipper were sitting at a table enjoying lunch. Dipper's lunch consisted of a roast beef with provolone cheese sandwich on wheat bread, Cool Ranch Doritos, Carrot sticks, and a Chill Blue Energy-ade*. While Pacifica's includes a nice light salad with croutons and a water with Ice Tea to go squeeze.

"Not now little guy, I'm eating this salad and your going to enjoy it," Pacifica said to her stomach.

"Wow, he's not even born and he's already refusing to eat his vegetables," said Dipper.

Pacifica laughed.

"You know I wonder how everything is gonna change when the baby is born."

"I don't know. But then again who knows what is going to happen."

A few hours later they come home.

Dipper then checks the mailbox to look for something.

"What are you doing?" Pacifica asked.

"Just checking if I got my acceptance letter from Portland Tech yet," said Dipper.

Dipper was looking around the mailbox when he found a large manila envelope with his name on it.

"Is that what you are looking for?" Pacifica asked.

Dipper then screams excitedly.

Dipper runs inside to open it. He opens the manila envelope to read the letter inside and then looks confused.

"What's wrong?" Pacifica asked.

"I've been put on the wait list," said Dipper.

"Oh come on it's not the end of the world, and hell we've been through that already."

"What are you trying to say?"

"You still have a chance."

"You got a point there."

Just then Mrs. Pines walks in.

"Um Pacifica?" Mrs. Pines asked.

"Yes Mrs. Pines," said Pacifica.

"You got a phone call earlier."

"Oh, okay from who?"

"Your parents"

A/N: Ooh a cliffhanger, sorry guys but the next chapter will have the answer. BTW they are airing a special post-finale edition of "Between the Pines" next Monday on Disney XD which will have more secrets revealed.

Cold Blue Energy-ade is my parody of Cool Blue Gatorade.

Random Character Quote: Can I Pay You To Pretend That Didn't Happen?- Pacifica (Season 2 Episode 10: Northwest Mansion Mystery)

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