Chapter 11

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A/N: Before we start, I just want to let you guys know I have a new story out that is based on the 'Big Dipper AU' I recommend you guys check it out when your finished reading this chapter. Alright lets get this chapter started already.

Pacifica is now 8 and 3/4 months pregnant. Right now she is lying in bed rubbing her stomach when she gets a text on her phone from Dipper.

(Code: Dip-Dipper Paz-Pacifica)

Dip: Get 2 the Mystery Shack it an emergency.

Paz: Wut happened?

Dip: No time 2 explain just get here ASAP!

Paz: I'll be ther in 10 minutes.

Dip: Hurry

Text conversation over.

Pacifica gets to the Mystery Shack in a knick of time she walks in to see the place dark.

"Hello Dipper are you alright?" Pacifica asked.

The lights come on and everyone shouts, "Surprise, Baby Shower!"

Everyone was there, Dipper's parents, Pacifica's parents, Mabel, Candy, Grenda, Soos, Soos Jr, Melody, Tambry and her kid, Wendy, Grunkle Stan, and Great Uncle Ford.

"Oh guys you didn't have to make a big fuss for me," said Pacifica.

"So you want us to leave?" Wendy asked.

"No, FUSS ON! Ahh! Stop kicking little guy!"

A few hours in the party Pacifica was talking about what giving birth is like with Melody and Tambry.

"Basically it is like pushing a watermelon out off you Hoo-Ha," said Tambry.

"Geez, that sounds painful," said Pacifica.

"Not unless you have morphine like I did," said Melody, "Although it took me 20 minutes to realize I gave birth at all."

While Pacifica was talking about becoming a mom, Dipper was talking to Soos about being a dad.

"Just a quick question put of the blue here dude, why do you want to talk to me about becoming a dad?" Soos asked.

"Well, if I asked Robbie about it he said and I quote, 'Should run all the way to Mexico', which is oddly specific, but who am I to judge," said Dipper.

Soos laughs at the fact.

"Yeah unlike Robbie, I was prepared, heck I'm surprised your not freaking out," said Soos.

"Hey I was forced to see enough episodes of 'Teen Mom' to figure out what not to do," said Dipper, "Mabel made me watch a 24 hour Marathon one time, tazered me to stay awake every time I try to fall asleep, not kidding when I say that."

Just then Grunkle Stan and Great Uncle Ford join in.

"Hey how's my favorite nephew doing?" Grunkle Stan asked.

"I'm doing great Grunkle Stan, how has life been treating you and Great Uncle Ford?" Dipper asked.

"It's been good, we're finishing up on our research soon," said Great Uncle Ford.

"We're planning on coming back here by June 18th of this year," said Grunkle Stan.

"Why that date out of all date?" Dipper asked.

"We owe someone a favor," said Grunkle Stan, "This guy did something for us I think it's the guys birthday or something."

An hour later Pacifica is now opening presents. She got some cute baby boy clothes, some stuffed animals, baby bottles, pacifiers, and some gift cards to 'Baby Planet'.

"Oh thanks guys, I know the little guy is going to love this stuff," said Pacifica.

Just then Soos Jr starts laughing.

"Woah little dude what's so funny?" Soos asked his son.

"Pacifica made a peepee in her pants," said Soos Jr.

Pacifica and Dipper look down to see fluid on her pants.

"Uh-oh," said Pacifica.

"What's wrong Pacifica?" Dipper asked.

"I think my water just broke," said Pacifica.

A/N: OMG the baby is coming alright time to name the child  you guys can vote, remember to comment which one of these names it should be: Brandon, Logan, Tyrone, Adam, Jason, or Alex. The winning name will be revealed in the next chapter. Quick Shout out to StarDiazButterfly.

Random Character Quote: Wow.....I have a really big head-Dipper (Season 1 Episode 7: Double Dipper)

16 and Pregnant (Dipcifica)Where stories live. Discover now