Chapter 9

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A/N: This isn't much of a authors note its more of a recap of the last chapter. Basically Dipper got put on the wait list for the college he wants to go to and Pacifica got a phone call from her parents.

"Wait my parents called?" Pacifica asked.

"Yes they did," said Mrs. Pines.

"What did they say?"

"They said they wanted to talk to both of you at their house at 5pm this afternoon."

Dipper and Pacifica look at each other.

5pm came around quickly for them.

They rang the doorbell to the Northwest Household.

Preston then opens the door.

"Come in we have much to talk about," said Preston.

They walk into their living room when Preston sits down holding a cup of coffee.

"What do you want father?" Pacifica asked.

"Well I'm here to tell you two I have been in an acquisition recently where I sold have of the factory to O'Brien Auto Parts*," said Preston.

"Okay so how does this involve us?" Dipper asked.

"Well the corporation paid me handsomely and uh I feel like you two should look at what ½ the amount on this check," said Preston as he hands her daughter a check.

"Dad if this is how much you would bribe me to dump Dipper and abort my son, then you don't know your own daughter," said Pacifica.

Pacifica was about to rip the check in half when Preston stop her.

"Wait," said Preston, "This check isn't for you!"

Dipper and Pacifica gave him a confused look.

"I suggest read what the check is paid in order for," said Preston.

They read the check, it said, "Pay To The Order Of: Cancer Research."

Pacifica said, "Dad, is this check really going towa...."

"Yes it is indeed my daughter," said Preston, "Oh and apologies for interrupting you."

"Why are you doing this?" Pacifica asked.

"Look, Pacifica I thought about a lot about what you said 3 months ago," said Preston, "What you said got me thinking, our family has the worst reputation of any rich family, for God sake your great great grandfather was a fraud, and I realized I'm no different from the rest of them. You want to know why I treated you like Pavlov's dog for those years?"

"Actually, yes I would like to know," said Pacifica.

"I would like to know as well," said Dipper.

"Because that's how my parents raised me," said Preston, "My father used that bell on me when I was a child, and I was hesitant on using that bell on you. But, they forced me to do it. Pacifica I don't want you to make the same mistakes I've made, when your child is born, raise it like a kid, not a pet or trophy or garbage."

Pacifica starts to tear up.

"I'm not asking you to come back home or anything, all I'm asking is for your forgiveness, do you forgive me for all the wrongs I thought was right?" Preston asked.

Pacifica then hugs Preston.

"Oh daddy, yes I do forgive you," said Pacifica.

Preston looks at Dipper.

"You can join in if you want to," said Preston.

"Okay Mr. Northwest," said Dipper.

"Please, call me Preston," said Preston.

Dipper then joins in on the hug.

A/N: Wasn't that a happy ending to this chapter, gosh I crying a little just writing this. 😭😭😭😭. Also even though I wrote the line, "do you forgive me for all the wrongs I thought was right", even I got to admit that was cheesy, but its the best I could come up with a while writing this. By the way even though we don't know how much money was on the check, but we know it is going to a worthy cause #SupportCancerResearch. Okay see you next chapter.

O'Brien Auto Parts in my parody of O'Reilly Auto Parts.

Random Character Quote: So this is how the world ends, not with a bang but with a...... boop boop - Ford (Season 2 Episode 18: Weirdmagedon Part 1)

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