Chapter 19: Wedding Finale Part 1

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A/N: Alright guys and gals this is part one of the conclusion to this story. Get ready for the beginning of the end.

On the night before the wedding Dipper and Pacifica decided to stay at a nearby hotel, but sleep in separate rooms to have there Bachelor and Bachelorette party.

Dipper was just waking up on the floor of his hotel room.

"Aww, what happened," said Dipper, "And why is Soos duct taped to the ceiling?"

"Don't worry dude this isn't my first rodeo," said Soos.

Then Soos falls and lands on something.

"I'm okay although I landed on something," said Soos.

"Not on something, on someone idiot," said Jackson muffled.

Soos stands up, Jackson gets up gasping for air.

"I saw my life flash before my eyes," said Jackson, "I sleep a lot!"

"Well glad to see nothing extremely embarrassing happened on my bachelor party," said Dipper.

"Spoke too soon bro," said Soos.

Soos pointed over to where Grunkle Stan was. He is shown in a playpen wearing a baby bonnet and a diaper.

"Welp, this is the lowest I've ever sank," said Stan.

Just then Ford started to take pictures of Stan.

"I think I just found our Christmas card photo," said Ford.

"I'm gonna kick your ass Sixer!" said Stan.

They started fighting.

"Surprisingly not the weirdest thing I seen," said Jackson, "Unless Mike Tyson, Selena Gomez, Homer Simpson, and a baby pop out of the closet over there and started doing the whip and nae nae, that would be the weirdest thing I've ever seen."

"How would you know what that looks like?" Dipper asked.

"Long story short don't binge watch both Simpsons and Mike Tyson Mysteries while listening to her music in one day you will hallucinate the weirdest things," said Jackson.

Meanwhile with the girls, they were getting their hair and nails done.

"So Mabel when are you and Jackson getting the knot tied?" Candy asked.

"Hopefully by Christmas," said Mabel, "I don't know why but I always wanted to have a wedding around that time of year."

"How is Jackson handling life after flopping in music?" Pacifica asked.

"Really well actually," said Mabel, "He actually teach music classes to kids at the park on Fridays. Although sometimes the classes go out of hand."


"And when you press more than one string it is called a cord any questions?" Jackson asked.

A kid raises his hand.

"Yes Xander" said Jackson.

"Actually it's not a question," said Xander, "Kaitlyn and Emma are fighting again."

Kaitlin and Emma are pulling each other in the hair.

"Stop touching my hair you jerk," said Emma.

"Oh complain to your other 2 sisters I can't tell you three apart," said Kaitlyn.

"Oh you messed with the wrong triplet missy," said Emma.

The girls started rough housing.

"Get'em, Get'em!" said Mayor Tyler walking by.

Flashback over:

"They always fight because one dated the other's boyfriend or something," said Mabel.

"Oh yeah that is understandable," said Wendy, "I remember some girl almost destroyed my car when I dated Lee for those 2 weeks in senior year."

"That sounds like something a crazy ex girlfriend would do," said Grenda.

"It was his ex girlfriend," said Wendy.

Several hours later the guys were getting dressed.

Tyrone comes crawling in wearing a tuxedo onesie (Pictured above) and giggling.

"Hey there Ty-Ty are you ready to see mommy and daddy get married?" Dipper asked his 7 month old son.

Tyrone claps his hands and laughs.

"I think that a yes," said Dipper, "But then again all you do is babble and laugh."

Tyrone laughs again.

"How about you go see mommy, just don't barf on the dress again," said Dipper.

"Don't worry Mabel told me they got 3 more as a backup," said Jackson.

Tyrone crawls out of the room.

"Why couldn't your kid be like that Soos?" Stan asked.

Soos just shrugs.

Meanwhile with the girls.

"Too tight too tight," said Pacifica gasping for air.

"Sorry," said Mabel.

Pacifica gasp for air.

Tyrone comes crawling in babbling.

"Oh hey there little boy," said Pacifica, "Did you miss mommy?"

Tyrone babbles more.

Just Mrs. Pines walks in.

"Oh my god there you are Tyrone," said Mrs. Pines, "You had grandma worried sick. Oh by the way Pacifica everyone is in their place."

"Alright," said Pacifica, "Let's do this."

Pacifica gets to the end of the church with her father holding her by the elbow.

"Are you ready for this?" Preston asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be," said Pacifica. 


A/N: Alright part one of the finale is finished. Also if you didn't noticed in the flashback there 3 wattpader's (I'm 99% I made that word up) cameos in this chapter.Xander is yours truly, Emma is Small_Mabel, and Kaitlyn is KaitlynBartholomew. Hoped you guys liked your cameos. Alright see you tomorrow for the final installments.

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