Chapter 13

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A/N: Okay I am back from icing my thumbs and I'm ready for this chapter. That's all I got right now so wait for the ending A/N for more info involving this story.

Dipper and Pacifica are ready to leave the hospital with little Tyrone in his car seat. Pacifica decide to sit in the back seat with Tyrone because he didn't want to be far away from his mommy.

They got home and Dipper opens the mailbox to see if he got anything. He found a manila envelope with his name on it.

"Huh, this should have been sent to me 4 months ago," said Dipper.

"What is it?" Pacifica asked.

"It's something from Portland Tech."

Dipper opens the envelope to reveal a letter which says the following:

Dear Dipper Pines,

We are sorry we didn't send you this letter sooner but are systems got hacked back in October so we had to post pone a lot of things. Sorry for our inconvenience. But besides all that we are happily please to announce that you have been accepted to be part of Portland Techs Fall Class. Please contact the admissions board when you get the chance.


Joseph Pitt,

Dean of Portland Technical Institute.

"I GOT IN!" said Dipper.

"That's great sweetheart," said Pacifica.

"Now I have 2 reasons to consider this the best day of my life."

"What's the first one?"

"You're holding it."

"Oh right, sorry little baby."

Pacifica then tickles Tyrone's tummy causing him to giggle.

Dipper opens the door to his house.

"Welcome home Tyrone," said Dipper

Dipper and Pacifica show the little guy around the house leading up to there room.

"And this little baby is where you'll be sleeping," said Pacifica as she places Tyrone in the crib.

Tyrone makes a faring noise.

"I'm not changing that," said Pacifica.

"Fine I'll do it," said Dipper.

Dipper picks Tyrone up.

"Come on little buddy time to clean your stinky bum."

Dipper places Tyrone on the changing table and starts to change his diaper.

Dipper starts to gag at the smell.

"How did you turn baby formula into that?"

Tyrone just blinks.

"Oh right you can't talk."

Dipper finishes up and puts Tyrone in a fresh diaper and a pair of blue footie pajamas with a picture of a duckling on it.

Dipper places Tyrone back in the Crib.

Tyrone then falls asleep.

"Sweet dreams little boy," said Pacifica.

"Have a good night Ty-Ty," said Dipper.

Dipper places a blanket on him. (This is the same blanket mentioned in Chapter 10)

Tyrone grabs it and places it close to him.

"I knew he would like it," said Dipper.

"Lets go to sleep, it has been a crazy 36 hours," said Pacifica.

"Yeah your right. I'm so tired I swear to god I think I see 3 of you, and I think the lamp just turned into a gnome. Wait a second, Jeff get out of my house."

Jeff the gnome runs out.

"Your room is nice," said Jeff.

Dipper and Pacifica fall into bed, until Tyrone.

"Your turn," said Dipper.

A/N: Yeah hope you like this chapter, okay this is how the next few chapters will go down, next chapter Dipper and Pacifica go to prom, chap 14: they graduate, chap 15: the wedding. So prepare for some big stuff happening in the next few chapters.

Random Character Quote: Why does my beard have a bandage? Does that even make sense? Why has no one pointed that out?- Old Man McGucket (Season 2 Episode 7: The Society Of The Blind Eye) [That is a good question when you think about, why is their a bandage in his beard?]

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