Chapter 12

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A/N: Alright Chapter 12, also known as the chapter where the baby is born. BTW this chapter is going to be long so get your popcorn ready. Okay I'll stop talking and get this chapter started.

Pacifica was wheeled into the hospital by Dipper. They got checked in and Pacifica was given a robe to wear.

While in the maternity ward Pacifica started to scream in pain.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" said Dipper, "Don't freak out, what do you need, water, morphine, fresh pair of underpa....."

Jackson slaps him across the head causing him to black out.

"Thanks Jackson," said Pacifica.

"No problem man," said Jackson.

"I would smack you for hitting my brother," said Mabel, "But he was starting to freak me out as well."

Pacifica groans in pain.

"Oh dear god this is horrible," said Pacifica, "For fucks sake they make it look fast on every medical drama ever."

"That's on TV sweet heart," said Mrs. Pines, "This is real life, for crying out loud does the Doctor look like McDreamy? No offence Doctor Hirsch." (My little nod to the creator of the show)

"Don't worry I get that a lot," said Doctor Hirsch.

"Whatever, I want this baby out of me NOW. Ow!"

"Pacifica darling calm down," said Preston, "The baby will be out soon."

"Not soon enough dad!"

Priscilla walks up to Preston.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm really glad that we used a surrogate for Pacifica," said Priscilla.

"We had no choice," said Preston.

"Could you tell us what happened?" Mr. Pines asked.

Preston starts to tell them the story.

"Okay basically we wanted to have a baby but for some reason Priscilla couldn't get pregnant," said Preston, "We later found out she couldn't carry a child because her sex organs were damaged in a childhood accident. So we hade to find a surrogate mother for Pacifica."

"Oh my gosh that is horrible," said Mrs. Pines.

"It's okay, we could of adopt, but Priscilla said the idea of a rich family adopting sound a tad bit cliché"

"That because it does," said Priscilla.

"Can we keep the negative energy down please," said Pacifica, "Trying to give birth here."

"Right, right sorry," said Preston.

Just then Dipper wakes up.

"Ugh What happened?" Dipper asked.

"You were spazing out so I hit you across the head," said Jackson.

Several hours later as it was a little bit after midnight, it was time for Pacifica to give birth.

"Okay Miss Northwest are you ready?" The doctor asked.

"I don't know, I'm a little nervous," said Pacifica.

"Pacifica, you don't have to be nervous," said Dipper, "I'll be by your side the whole time."

Dipper holds Pacifica's hand.

She sniffles for a sec trying hold back tears.

"Okay I'm ready," said Pacifica.

"Alright I need you to push," said the Doctor.

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