Chapter 2

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A/N: I made some quick edits to the first chapter because at like the last minute I noticed some grammar mistakes so I fixed those up, I apparently am my own grammar police which is a good thing. Enjoy the second chapter wattpad people.

Pacifica is now walking back to her house, ever since her parents lost all there money after weirdmagedon they moved into a medium sized house, mainly like the ones you see the upper middle class families have.

But before she left she found a nearby trash can in the town square and threw away the pregnancy test as well as her receipt, she figured it was much easier to do it this way.

When Pacifica got to the door of her house when her father started to call her.

"Pacifica Elise Northwest," said Preston, "Please come down to the living room this minute."

"Coming father," said Pacifica.

Pacifica went down to the living room to see her parents with stern looks on their faces.

"Pacifica, darling, can you tell us where you were this afternoon," said Preston.

"I just went over to see Dipper and Mabel why?" Pacifica asked.

"Did you happen to go anywhere else?" asked Preston.

"No," said Pacifica.

"Don't lie to me young lady," said Preston.

"What makes you think I'm lying?" Pacifica asked.

"Because a little bird told me you went told me you went and purchased a pregnancy test over at the pharmacy," said Preston.

"Wait how did you..... Amanda, that bitch," said Pacifica.

"Yeah well 'That bitch' spotted you at the nearby PVS purchasing the test," said Preston.

"So what?" said Pacifica.

"Don't give me that kind of language young lady," said Preston.

"What are trying to ask me?" Pacifica asked.

"Who did you buy that test for, that skank of a friend Mabel," said Preston.

"Hey its normal for a teenage girl to through multiple boyfriends throughout high school, plus she told me she is saving herself for marriage," said Pacifica.

"Then what did you buy that test for?" asked Preston.

"I used in for me," said Pacifica.

Preston says, "What you can't possibly think you..."

Pacifica interrupts, "Guess what dad, I am!"

Her parents are in shock. They expected their daughter to be rebellious by the time she becomes a teenager. But, they did not expect her to get pregnant from this kind of behavior.

"Pacifica, sweetheart, please tell us you are joking," said Priscilla.

"I wish I was mother," Pacifica said, "But it's true."

"Get out!" said Preston.

"What?" said Pacifica.

"You heard me either you get out of this house and never speak to me again," said Preston, "Or, you can just get an abortion."

"Excuse me!" said Pacifica, "There is no way in hell I'm aborting this baby."

"Then pack your things and get out my house you have once again brought shame to this family," said Preston.

"I brought shame to this family?" Pacifica said.

"Do I have to repeat myself?" Preston asked.

"No, you're the one bringing shame to this family, for crying out loud you wanted to let innocent people die at our annual party 4 years ago, you almost became the triangle guy's flying horseman or whatever, and yet all you do is blame me for everything, I'm surprised no one called child services on your ass," Pacifica said.

"Hey we have a reputation to uphold," said Preston.

"Yeah a reputation of lying, cheating, and hunting for sport, and I no longer want to be apart of the worlds worst chain anymore, so I'm packing my things and leaving this hellhole you call being a Northwest for good," said Pacifica.

Pacifica then storms up to her bedroom and start packing her clothes into her pink suitcase. She then grabs a nearby backpack and starts filling it with her laptop, phone, various chargers, acne medicine (she gets the occasional breakout from her make up), and all the money she has.

She then walks out of the house but not before saying one last thing to her father.

"So long asshole!" said Pacifica.

She then walks out of her house for good, she puts her ear buds on and plays a song on her phone. The song she choose to play was "Walk away" by Vanessa Hudgins from High School Musical 3. (The video up there)

"Makes sense!" Pacifica thought.

While listening to the song she walked into Gravity Falls Park and sat down on a nearby bench.

She took a deep breath and ask herself, "What am I going to do?"

A/N: Hope you guys like the second chapter. By the way I really hate Pacifica's parents but then again who doesn't. Well I'll update sometime in the near future.

Random Character Quote: "Romance is like gum, Once it's lost its flavor, you just cram another one in." Mabel (Season 2 Episode 9: The Love God)

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