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Undria pov: The police men took me to jail. As soon as i got there it was time to eat. I haven't ate yet so i was looking forward to finally eating. When i got in the line a group of girls pushed through me. Who the hell is you pushin i turn around to see 3 girls.
Girl#1 pov: Im pushing you ur obviously in my way. See what you dont understand is that me and my girls we run this jail.
Undria pov: Well all that is about to change. I quickly grab her by the hair. I run to get one of the tray's from the table and i get back on top of her and i constantly beat her with the tray. I picked her up by the hair and said THIS IS WHAT I DO TO DISRESPECTFUL ASS PEOPLE!!!! I wanted to do more but the lady on the intercom said: Undria styles u have made bail please come pick up your clothes and go to the office. I pick up my clothes and i walk out to see my husband Harry Styles.
Harry pov: Babe what's going on?? I just got back from my tour. Tia called and told me that i needed to come bail you out.
Undria pov: I went to jail because Tia's ex husband put his hands on her aint nobody bout to put they hands on my cousin or any of my family members.
Harry pov: Ok babe calm down no need to get carried away. Tia and the rest of them are at the family renuion. I can take u home to get packed and ready and ill drive us to the family renuion.
Undria pov: Ok i say as i go to the bathroom to change into my casual jeans and some shorts and my converses. And i put my hair in a bun. I get into the car with my husband. Can you stop at the store real quick?
Harry pov: Sure babe. I stop by Bilo and i let Undria out.
Undria pov: Ill be right back. I walk into the store and i go to a rack where i see some butcher knifes. I pick 3 up and i go to the lady at the cash register.
Lady at the cash register pov: Omg lady are you bout yo kill someone??
Undria pov: Gosh no its for my cookout i lied i quickly grab the bag with the knifes in it. And i stick the bag in my purse. I walk outside to get into the car.
Harry pov: Babe what did you get??
Undria pov: I wanted some Sour Patch Kids but they didn't have anymore.
Harry pov: What kind of Bilo is that?? Anyway let's get home so we can pack.
Undria pov: When we arrived home me and Harry packed our suitcasses,ate, and fed our dog Nate. We brung him to Mrs. Odavis's house for the days we were gonna be gone. When me and Harry left i couldn't wait to get my hands on James and Akira.

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