The family renuion part 3 of 3

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Tia pov: when we pulled up into the Hotel. We got our bags out the trunk and went inside the hotel.
Hotel manager pov: Hello guys welcome. What can i help you with?
Tia pov: I would like the suite.
Hotel manager pov: Ok that will be 100$ dollars.
Tia pov: I gave her the money as i slowly started dragging me and my suitcases to the suite.
Ausust pov: Wassup? I would like a room for me an my girl janyla.
Hotel manager pov: Who's Janyla?
August pov: U see the girl with the fat ass? That's her right there.
Hotel manager pov: Ok would u like the suite?
Janyla pov: YESS!!!!!
Hotel manager pov: Ok here's ur keys and that will be 100$.
August pov: Here u go take care.
Random girls pov: OMG IS THAT AUGUST ALSINA??
Janyla pov: I saw some girls walk up to August. That shit made me mad they was feeling on his abs. That's when i walked up to August and grabbed his waist and kissed him.
August pov: When i saw Janyla walk up to me i threw my hands up in defense. But she kissed me it felt too good and i deepened the kiss until she pulled back. Hey why you stop.
Janyla pov: Cause yo ass need to grab them bags. We'll finish this later.
Tameka pov: Damn all they rude asses dun left me i walk up to the counter. I would like a room for me and my son.
Yoshi pov: Me want room right now i sleepy.
Hotel manager pov: Ok ill finish this up Im guessing you want the regular room?
Tameka pov:Yea. I don't want my child messing up things.
Hotel manager pov: Ok that will be 90$.
Tameka pov: I pay her the money. I pick up my suitcases and me and Yoshi walk to our room.

Tia pov: I got out of bed. I really wanted to go back to sleep but i can't. I undressed and hopped in the shower. When i got out i changed into a black shirt with diamonds around the edges. I wore some black leggins and i wore my heels with diamonds. And i put my hair in a braid. I walked into the elevator and at the second floor it stopped.
James pov: When i walked out my hotel room door i walked to the elevator and pushed the button when it stopped and opened i saw no other then Tia.
Tia pov: James what are u doing here?
James pov: I quickly pressed the button closing the elevator and i took the stairs.
Tia pov: I was still in shock. When the elevator opened i stepped into the breakfast room i got my breakfast waiting on the others to come down.
Janyla pov: Damn i had the best sleep ever. I turned around to face August. August wake up.
August pov: Just 5 more minutes please bby.
Janyla pov: Ok bby but when I'm done getting dressed yo ass better be up. I got up and took my shower.
August pov: Now's my chance. I got out the bed and threw my clothes on the floor i opened the bathroom door and i hoped into the tub with Janyla.
Janyla pov: August what are u doing?
August pov: Im showing my girl some pleasure and with that i picked her up and put her against the shower wall and started kissing her passionately.
Janyla pov: I moaned in pleasure.
August pov: Bby ima stop. We need to get dressed and meet Tia and Tameka downstairs for breakfast.
Janyla pov: Ok we finished our shower and got dressed i changed into a pink shirt that said he's mine and i wore some pink leggins with the numbers 100 imprinted on them. And i wore my hello kitty converses. Yep August got them bitches customized for me. And i let my hair down.
August pov: When i got dressed i wore a pink shirt that said she's mine. And i wore some blue denim shorts. With some long pink socks that said Janyla and me. And i wore some pink and blue jordans. And a hat that said Taken. Let's roll bby.
Janyla pov: I pecked August on the lips and we started walking down the hallway trying to get to the elevator. We was looking too good cause everybody stopped and looked at us. When we got on the elevator i got out my Iphone 6 to take a pic of me and August. Outfits on fleek. And i posted it to instagram.
August pov: When the elevator opened i quickly grabbed my bby's hand and we walked into the breakfast room. Bby do u see Tia?
Janyla pov: Yea i see her. She over there. Me and August get our breakfast and walk over to Tia.
Tia pov: Hey guys after Tameka and Yoshi come we gone eat and get back on the road.
Tameka pov: When i woke up i got undressed and got into the shower. When i got out the shower i changed into a shirt that said fat girls rule. I wore some blue jean shorts. And some jordans. I woke my son up i got him dressed and we headed to the elevator.
Yoshi pov: Momma are we going to eat eat?
Tameka pov: Yea we got on the elevator and when the elevator opened we went to the breakfast room.

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