Chapter 1

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Harry sat nervously, bouncing his leg around as he listened closely for his name to be called. Today was a big day, no colossal day for him, he was going to find out his test results.

Test results that would change his life for the rest of his life, define him, classify him – alpha, beta or omega.

Niall, his best friend since diapers, offered to come with him but Harry insisted that this was something he needed to find out on his own. Especially because Niall had already taken his classification test and received his results, he'd been lucky enough to of been deemed a beta.

And he wasn't entirely sure if he could face Niall again if were to receive less than favorable results.

Harry was honestly just hoping for anything but an omega, he'd be happy with a beta status – mostly because being classified as a beta still gives you the opportunity to re-test later on and be deemed an alpha. Or if you showed alpha signs sooner, you'd be re-tested. Whereas being deemed an omega gives you no chance of re-testing, and no chance of being classified dominate.

"Styles, Harry Styles." the nurse called out, pulling him from his overly worrisome thoughts.

He stood up quickly and started towards her, "Ah – yeah, that's me."

She smiled once they reached the room, both taking a seat. "Can you give me your birth date please?"

"Two-one-ninety-three." He recited, rubbing his slightly clammy palms together.

"Great," she murmured as she pulled up his chart on the computer. "My name is Jackie, and from what I hear this is a massive day for you."

Harry nodded, pushing forth an extremely nervous smile. "Yeah, so – um, when do I find out my classification?"

"Well I just need to check your vitals and the doctor will be in shortly after, he'll tell you your classification and give you a rundown of what that exactly means. Then you'll be on your way."

He nodded, taking a deep breath in attempt to calm himself so his heart rate wouldn't come up abnormal or anything. Inwardly counting down the seconds until the doctor was there, and he could finally breathe again.


"How'd it go?"

Harry jumped, not realizing Niall had been sitting on his front step waiting for him to get home.

"I nearly just shit my heart out my ass," he gasped.

Niall laughed as he stood up, "So.. it went good then, yeah?"

"No," he grumbled as he sat down on the step Niall had been sat on.

"What do you mean?" Niall sat down beside him again, furrowing his brow. "You at least got beta, right? You get to re-test for alpha after your twenty-first birthday."

Harry exhaled a deep breath, keeping his eyes on the ground. "They said I'm an omega, a submissive omega for the rest of my pathetic life."

He tried to bite his tongue because this was clearly a difficult time for his best friend, but Harry's wording was just too much and he couldn't help himself when he cracked a laugh. He groaned in distaste the moment he heard Niall laugh.

"No, no.. Harry – I'm not – I mean who even cares about classification. It doesn't change anything, really. I should know." Niall tired, composing himself and trying his best to comfort him because it really wasn't that big of a deal – kinda.

"That's easy for you to say, you're a beta!" Harry nearly shouted, scoffing towards the end. "It's not like you have to change your class schedule, start taking suppressants and have the lowest classification looming over you for the rest of your life."

He put his hand on Harry's shoulder, "It's really not that big of a deal, I'm telling you. You're just overreacting."

"I just want to forget today happened and carry on with my miserable life." He groaned as he got up from the steps and started towards the front door, knowing Niall would follow.

"Fine but just know regardless to whatever your classification is, we're always going to be best friends."

Harry finally smiled, with an inward laugh. "That was so cheesy, you knob."

"Call me cheesy," he shrugged. "But on Monday when school starts, you'll be thanking me for being your friend."

"Why?" he questioned with a furrowed brow as they headed towards the kitchen, both starving.

Niall sat down in one of the chairs at the bar, "I'm a beta and you're an omega, omega's need to be paired up with an beta. It's the new headmaster's rule to help stop omega's being taken advantage of by alphas."

Harry groaned again, having completely forgotten about that new minor detail and rested his forehead on the refrigerator door. "Why is this my life, why?"

"You're so dramatic today." he laughed from his spot. "School will be fine, nothing will happen to you because I won't let anything happen to you. Trust me, I'm a beta."

Harry only continued to groan, only louder this time as Niall laughed at his severe dramatics.



How'd you like it? Liking the revamp of the original? Hopefully this time around will be more mature and thought out as the chapters go, keyword being hopefully.

Any and all feedback is GREATLY appreciated!!

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