Chapter 9

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Over the next few weeks Niall's absences was starting to worry Harry, ever since the incident at Niall's — he hasn't been showing up to school. And when Harry goes over to the beta's house, his vehicle is never there. He hasn't been able to catch Niall's mum at home either so he couldn't even ask where Niall's been.

Zayn was starting to notice Harry's unusual quietness, in turn making him worry about Harry's mental health. Because Harry wasn't typically over the top loud and talkative but he wasn't himself, quieter and more closed off when it came to conversations.

"Hey, Liam's having a party tonight. Want to come with me?" Zayn came up behind the omega at his locker, leaning on the locker beside his.

He shrugged, stuffing his books into his open backpack. "I'm behind in Science, I need to catch up."

"Oh," he murmured, rubbing the back of his neck and exhaled a breath. "I could come over and help, then we could go over to Liam's later on?"

Harry shrugged again, "I don't know, maybe."

Zayn reached out and put a hand over Harry's open backpack, stopping his actions and got his full attention. "Babe I get that Niall is your mate and everything but I'm sure he's fine, you said his dad lives in Ireland. Maybe he went for a visit?"

"He would've said something," he murmured, avoiding his eyes.

He huffed another breath, "Well could you please just come with me tonight? I miss hanging out with you, and Liam's dad just bought a new sound system."

Harry looked at him, biting his bottom lip. "Zayn I —"

"Please," he immediately begged before Harry could protest. "Do you want me to get on my knees and beg, I will. I don't even care what anyone else will thinks, I'm desperate — please just come with me?"

"Okay," he halfheartedly smiled, sighing towards the end of his words. "I'll come."

Zayn kissed him quickly, not wanting either of them to get caught displaying PDA in the hallways. "I'll give you a ride home after school, then we can work on your homework some before we go."

"We should get to class though," Harry glanced towards the clock on the wall above the lockers.

He grabbed his hand, "I'll walk you."

Harry halfheartedly smiled again, lowering his head slightly as they began to weave through the crowded hallways. His mind was only on one thing, Niall. Even though he knew he should be more present, especially with Zayn but it was bugging him to no end that Niall just up and disappeared on him. Which is extremely out of character, even if they had been in a disagreement.

Before he knew it Zayn was letting go of his hand as he instinctually walked into the classroom, taking his seat and pulling out his notebook and textbook. Zoning out for most of the class, and honestly not retaining a single thing that day.

He stood on the curb, knowing Zayn would be around to pick him up and sure enough as if on cue. Zayn was pulling up, "Sorry it took so long."

"It's fine, I didn't notice." Harry murmured as he climbed into the vehicle, placing his backpack between his feet on the floor.

Zayn could feel that there was something off, something off with Harry. He was hoping it was more than just him worrying about Niall, but if he was being honest with himself he knew better.

"Can we talk about this Niall thing?" He broke the silence with a slightly clearing of his throat.

Harry inwardly sighed, "Zayn there's nothing to talk about, okay. He's gone and I'm worried, that's it. There's nothing more to talk about."

"Well I think there is, this is effecting you and us." Zayn gently protested.

He shook his head, placing his elbow on the frame of the door and looking out the passenger window. "I don't know what you want me to say Zayn.. Niall is.. was my best mate. I feel weird that he's gone, even more so that he's not talking to me. I don't know."

Zayn glanced over at him, chewing on the inside of his bottom lip. "Harry... do you want to break up?"

"No!" He unintentionally yelled, sighing right after. "No, Zayn. I just need you to let me be upset about this, you'd be the exact same way if this was happening with Liam."

Zayn knew to some extent that Harry did have a point, but this situation was different. "Yeah but Liam isn't trying to stick his prick in me, we're just mates."

"Zayn," Harry groaned. "Can we please just not talk about it anymore, my head hurts and I still have to do my science course work."

He sighed, "Yeah, alright."

They drove the rest of the way to Harry's house in silence, listening to the radio but not either one speaking. Which made the ten minute drive seem like an hour, both practically jumping out of the vehicle once it was parked in the driveway.

Zayn went upstairs to Harry's bedroom while Harry went into the kitchen, startled when he saw his mum at the table. "Hi mum."

"Hi sweetie, how was school?" She looked up with her usual smile.

He shrugged, opening the fridge.

"I got a call from Niall's mum today," she spoke up, halting Harry's actions. "She wanted you to know Niall's decided to stay with his father for a couple weeks. She's not sure when he'll be back but he's doing alright and you shouldn't worry."

Harry blinked a few times, as if unfreezing himself and grabbed two waters from the fridge. "Oh well.. okay. Thanks for telling me."

Without grabbing biscuits like he'd planned he left the room, heading upstairs to the bedroom. Before he even had the door closed he was in tears, heartbroken that Niall had actually left the country just to get away from him.

"What's wrong," Zayn got up quickly, pushing the bedroom door closed and picked up the omega. "Hey, hey.."

Harry hiccuped through his tears, feeling absolutely ridiculous. "Niall.. he, he went to Ireland." He choked out, "He's that angry with me that he went to Ireland to get away from me."

"Harry, love. I don't see the problem here, he's with family. It's not like he's runaway and nobody can find him," Zayn pointed out as gently as he could and without allowing his anger seep through. Because he was absolutely boiling that Niall could have this much of an effect on his omega.

He shook his head, sobbing. "Zayn his father is a mean drunk, that's why he doesn't live there."

"That isn't your problem, he made the decision to go." Zayn slightly snapped, becoming more and more annoyed by this whole situation. "You need to let this go Harry."

Harry continued to cry, blaming himself for everything. "I can't. It's all my fault and if something happens to... if something happens to Niall." He couldn't even finish his words, crying even harder at the thought.

Zayn's jealousy was bubbling, his alpha was beyond irritated and had reached it's limit. A low growl grew in his chest as he stood up, standing above the whimpering omega on the bed.

"Stop," he commanded sternly, instantly halting the omegas meltdown. "You're my omega not his! I forbid you from speaking about this anymore, understood?"

Harry mutely nodded, feeling his omega submit to the alphas commands.

"Now go clean yourself up," he ordered, pointing towards the open bathroom door. Zayn's alpha was settling down some now that he had control over the situation and felt Harry's omega obeying.

Harry got up quickly and went into the bathroom, closing the door behind himself. He looked at himself in the mirror, not recognizing the puffy faced individual. Zayn was right, this whole situation with Niall was effecting him more than it should. Especially since Niall wasn't his alpha, Zayn was.

He needed to focus on himself and Zayn, their relationship. Nothing else mattered. At least that's what Harry was going to keep telling himself.


A/N: it's been nearly a year since I've updated anything .. I'm sorry, but at least I updated something. Right?

Please leave thoughts and comments, I miss hearing your guys' feedback!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2017 ⏰

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