Chapter 6

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"Harry, where are you off to in such a hurry?" Anne questioned aloud the moment she heard her son coming down the staircase as though he was being chased.

He paused at the front door, cringing because he still hadn't exactly told his mum he was seeing anyone. "No reason, just thought I'd get some exercise or something. I'll see you later, bye."

"Ah-ah-ah." She tutted, already headed out of the kitchen and into the hallway. "Come here please."

Harry exhaled a deep breath, turning around and put on a smile. "Yes mum."

"No, come here please." She waved him over.

He subconsciously drug his feet as he made his way towards her, slugging along. "Yes?"

Anne unfolded her arms with a knowing smile, "When were you planning on introducing me to your boyfriend?"

"What?" Harry nervously laughed, pulling the best confused face that he could muster. "Mum I'm not — I mean — I don't. How — what are you talking about?"

She gestured towards the kitchen, "Well then who is this?"

Harry stepped forward some, looking around the corner and spotted Zayn seated at the table. Clearly the two of them had been talking awhile seeing as his mum had brought out some tea, "Zayn — when did — hi?"

He laughed and stood up, "I came a bit early, your mum was outside checking the post when I walked up."

"And we've had such a lovely chat, haven't we Zayn." Anne smiled.

And that's when Harry spotted to open photo album where Zayn had been seated, he rushed over and slammed the book closed. "Mum.." he fussed, giving her eyes.

"Oh relax sweetie, he didn't see your bum." She reassured.

Harry's eyes nearly bulged out of his head, "Mum!"

Zayn was utterly amused by the whole situation, between Harry's adorable blush and Anne's bluntness, he couldn't stop smiling.

"Please, let's just go before I die of unforgivable embarrassment." Harry looped his arm around Zayn's, pulling him towards the hallway.

"It was nice meeting you Anne," Zayn smiled back at her over his shoulder.

"Nice meeting you too, take care of my baby." Anne called out after them as they reached the front door.

"Mum!" Harry fussed once again, opening the door quickly incase she wanted to add anything else utterly embarrassing.

"I like your mum," Zayn commented with a laugh as they walked down the pathway.

"Maybe from now on we'll just meet places," he suggested.

Zayn grabbed his hand with his own, giving it a light squeeze. "When you meet my mum she'll probably do the same, only my sisters will be home and they'll make sure to tell you extra embarrassing stories about me."

"When can I meet them?" Harry questioned curiously because he hadn't ever seen Zayn sisters since they go to a private girls school, rather public.

He shrugged, "Dunno actually, they're always busy with school stuff and my mum runs her own jewelry collection."

Harry slightly deflated some by his response, "Oh."

"But hey, I've got something fun planned for today." Zayn quickly changed the subject.

He smiled again, "What is it?"

The alpha laughed at his eagerness, poking the crosswalk button as they paused at the corner intersection. "Guess you'll just have to trust me and see."

"Zayn," he fussed. "I'm terrible with surprises, they give me anxiety. Just tell me?"

Zayn stood his ground, shaking his head with an amused smirk. "Nope."

Harry grumbled incoherently under his breath but followed Zayn across the street once the light switched for them to cross.

"You might want to stop that," Zayn commented a few minutes later.

He furrowed his brow, "Stop what?"

Zayn cocked an eyebrow at him, "You're unbelievably cute when you pout and if you continue to pout your lips like that, I'll be forced to kiss you."

"What if I'd like that?" Harry murmured softly, suddenly taken over by his submissive omegas urges.

"Then it's my duty, as an alpha and your boyfriend, to give you what you need." He cheekily smiled.

Harry gave him the best pout his could muster, breaking into a grin when Zayn pulled him close and pressed their lips together. Officially making this moment their first kiss, and Harry was absolutely buzzing the second Zayn's undoubtably soft lips touched his own.

Feeling as though his legs could give out at any second due to the close contact, "I think I'm going to pass out."

Zayn laughed, pecking his lips one last time for good measure and smiled. "I'd catch you."

Harry's face turned beat red, flattered by Zayn's coyness and the overall magnitude of the situation. Because he had never kissed anyone before, and this was most definitely the best possible scenario for a first kiss. Especially to be lucky enough to have an alpha be his first, most importantly to have Zayn as his first.

"We should get to wherever were going before I fall over dead due to your... Everything," Harry laughed, feeling incredibly lucky to be with such an amazing alpha.

"Your wish is my command," he grabbed Harry's hand with his own again as they once more started down the street.

Unbeknownst to the two of them they'd had an audience, Niall was within earshot on the opposite side of the street having been picking up fresh vegetables from a vender for his mum when he spotted the two of them. Utterly boiling the moment he saw Zayn's crusty lips touch Harry's, having to contain his inner beta.

"That bastard," he spat under his breath and nearly smashed an innocent tomato as he harshly slammed it down on top of the others. Storming off with the few vegetables he'd picked out before his afternoon had been interrupted with Zayn's unnecessary shenanigans.



A bit longer chapter I think? Zayn and Harry are cute, right, right? And of course Niall STILL has an attitude when it comes to Zayn.

What do you think Niall's problem with Zayn is, if you think there's one at all. And do you think Niall will ever come out and confront Harry about his "issues" with Zayn?

Any and all feedback is GREATLY appreciated/recommended!!!

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