Chapter 2

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"Harry c'mon," Niall fussed impatiently.

Harry grabbed his textbooks from his locker, walking quick to catch up with Niall who'd been stood nearly halfway down the hallway.

"I'm coming, what's the rush anyways. We still need to stop at the nurses to give her my tablets."

Omegas weren't allowed to carry around their medication, in hopes an alpha wouldn't intercept their daily dosage. Suppressants were needed to be taken three times a day so during or after lunch all omegas on medication would go to the nurses office to be given their prescribed tablets.

"Exactly so c'mon," he rushed.

Harry glanced down at his newly revised course schedule in his hands, looking to see what his first class was.

"Oof," he huffed, feeling like the wind had been knocked out of him.

"Sorry mate," the thickly accented voice spoke in apology.

Harry slightly coughed, catching his breath. "No, it's fine. I wasn't even paying attention to where I was going."

"Right so you're good then?" He questioned.

"Yeah, it's my —" Harry trailed off with his voice when he looked up and saw who he'd bumped into, completely loosing his words and train of thought.

The dark haired boy smiled, catching Harry's eyes with an amused expression. "Sure you're alright? Don't need me to take you to the nurse or something?"

He stood there with his mouth slightly agape a few more seconds, taking in his ungodly defined features. Not realizing at this point he was straight up staring.

"Harry," Niall appeared by his side, nudging him. "Let's go."

Harry finally snapped out of it, blinking a few times and noticed Niall was beside him. "Yeah, I'm coming. Where were we going?"

He shook his head, "Away from here." Niall grumbled before he started pulling him away, wanting to get away from the unknown alpha as quick as possible.

"Harry, what?" The dark haired alpha called out before Niall had a chance to tug Harry completely out of view.

He nearly tripped over his own feet trying to stop himself and Niall from pulling his arm, "Styles."

"I'm Zayn Malik, Harry Styles. I'll see you around." The alpha smiled and turned to continue down the direction he'd been headed in.

"Oh gag me," Niall grumbled under his breath as he rolled his eyes.

"He sure ass hell can gag me — any time, any place." He commented aloud, watching Zayn disappear down the hallway.

Niall cringed, pulling his best friend along in the direction they needed to be headed. Slightly annoyed by how easily Harry had been swooped up by an alpha, and school had only just started.

Having the feeling that this year was most definitely going to be a whirlwind, not only for Harry — but the both of them.



You guys are probably still used to my long chapters but I like writing short ones, at least for this story. Moves things along easier and helps give a sold layout of what's to come, least I think so.

Did you like Harry and Zayn's meeting, did you expect it to go different and how did you feel about Niall's reaction to the whole situation? Also I made Harry more confident in this version, do you like it or hate it?

Any and all feedback is GREATLY appreciated!!!

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