Chapter 4

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"Oh c'mon Niall, please come with me?" Harry begged for the tenth time, "I've never been to a party like this and you have. You know Liam. What if I get lost?"

"Then I'm sure your wonderful alpha will come save the day and whisk you off your feet to the ball," he grumbled as he laid out on the bed flipping through a textbook.

Harry halfheartedly laughed, getting down on his knees beside him on the bed. "Please, please, please, please, please —"

"No!" He shouted over his repetitive begging, "Liam and I don't even get along that well. We were on the same team last year and all we did was butt heads as captain and co-captain."

"Can't you put that small detail behind you and come anyways?" Harry tried again.

Niall shook his head, "Besides I don't want to watch you drool over that prick all night. Take someone else with you, I know your cousin Louis would go with you."

"He isn't a prick, Niall." He defended quickly, "He's done nothing to you for you to even call him that. And maybe I will take Louis."

He got up and shoved his textbooks into his bag, collecting his things off Harry's bed. "Yeah, great. I'm going home, I'll call you Sunday."

Harry plopped down on the bed, "Hey Niall?"

"Yeah," he stopped in the doorway and looked back at him.

Harry smiled, "We're still friends though right?"

He sighed deeply, nodding his head because no matter how often they argued over stupid little things. They were always going to continue to be best friends, "I'll see you."


"So who's house is this?" Louis questioned, following Harry up the pathway.

Harry shrugged, "I'm assuming Liam's parents but I'm not actually sure. Zayn invited me, I didn't really ask too many details."

He reached out and grabbed his arm, stopping him. "Wait this is Liam Payne's house? An alphas house."

"Um, yeah.. Why?"

Louis looked down at his casual outfit, "Why didn't you tell me that? I'm dressed like a scrub. Liam is never going to talk to me if I'm dressed like this."

He laughed, "I doubt there's a dress code and I'm sure he'll want to talk to you. If not there's no doubt that you'll make yourself known and he'll have no choice but to talk to you.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He raised his voice after him, walking quickly to catch up with him.

Harry poked the buzzer, holding his breath the moment the door started opening.

"Who are you?" A brunette boy answered the door with a more than slightly confused expression.

Luckily the moment Harry opened his mouth Zayn seemingly appeared from behind, placing a hand on the brunette's shoulder.

"Liam you twit, this is Harry." He gave him eyes, squeezing his shoulder. "And his friend..."

"Louis," he spoke up quickly.

Liam smiled knowingly once he figured things out, keeping his eyes more on Louis than anyone. "I'll show you where the drinks are, yeah."

Louis dopily nodded, practically starstruck and allowed Liam to grab his hand. Pulling him into the house and meshing in with the crow of people, leaving Harry and Zayn standing in the open doorway.

"You coming in then?" Zayn laughed, briefly rubbing the back of his neck.

He nearly stumbled over his feet walking into the house, feeling the redness rising in his face. "Wow, does Liam's parents just let him have parties like this whenever?" He commented as he glanced around the packed house.

Zayn shrugged, "His parents split last year, they're currently trying to win favourite."

"Oh, um.. What about you, your parents together?" He questioned, not even thinking about the possible invasiveness of the question.

He smiled, "Yeah, yours?"

Harry shook his head, "Mums got a new boyfriend though."

"You don't like him then?" Zayn further questioned.

"Dunno, haven't decided yet." He smiled, looking around the house once more. "So there's drinks?"

"Yeah, yeah." Zayn slightly shook his head, realizing how off track they'd become with their conversation and started leading him towards the kitchen. "What are you into — beer, mixed drinks, straight liquor?"

Harry shrugged, never really having drank before. Other than trying his mums wine coolers last summer. "Any suggestions, what do you like?"

He looked over the cluttered counters, "I get the feeling you aren't a huge drinker so..." Zayn walked over to the fridge, pulling out two beers and popped off the tops.

"Thanks," Harry took a drink, taking more than he should've and slightly coughed towards the end when he went to catch his breath.

He smiled, taking a drink of his own beer. "You good?"

Harry wordlessly nodded, successfully taking a small drink this time.

"Do you want to go out on the deck?" Zayn raised an eyebrow, "Less crowded and quieter."

Since Harry wasn't a huge drinker, he was already starting to feel the alcohol go to his head. "Mhm," he hummed as he took a longer sip of his drink. Feeling a lot more warm and fuzzy than he had just a couple minutes ago.



Soo Niall and Harry keep having little spats over Harry wanting to be around Zayn, and now Louis and Liam have been introduced into the story (I sense some Lilo happening).

How do you feel about Harry drinking around Zayn and now isolating themselves from everyone else, and why do you think Niall is so adamant not to have anything to do with Zayn or Liam for that matter?

Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated!!

P.S. I see you silent readers, all of you...

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