Unconditional Love

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Last spring I did a meditation to channel one of my family friends who passed away. He was a kind proud man who was like a second Dad to me. 

I closed my eyes and concentrated on how happy he would be and I tried to visualize him. 

I had to remind myself that in a spiritual sense he could have been very young, fit, and the fact he didn't have crutches anymore because the majority of his life he was on crutches.  

The meditation took place in a brightly lit meadow and the first thing I see was him. Young man in overalls walking around and when he sees me the first thing he does run over to me, pick me up, and held me close like I was a little kid again when I first met him at the age of six. 

"Hey Kiddo." he says me.

He told me how happy he was and no longer bond to the illnesses that kept him on this earth. He was also saying he was thinking of my family and his family. 

He told me that he was so happy to hear the news about everything, and I mean everything. 

How I changed my degree and found a place where I belong in this world. 

Then the next thing spoken- I didn't even ask for- 

He smiled at me and said, "Whatever you decide to do {regarding to religion and spirituality} I will not be mad at you because I love you." 

It made me so happy I cried during the meditation.

You will cry a lot when these events and moments happen because mediation is powerful. Especially its healing methods.

But the moment of unconditional love I can say that we all have it in many forms. Each person is distilled with temptations and deceitfulness but we are also given compassion and empathy. Which makes us love and hate each-other.

I have a theory that somehow through everything we are all connected.

Like you get those ideas about something and then someone happens to publish it faster. It's not they stole your idea but in a way they had the idea either longer than you or were able to publish it to be their first original piece. In a way nothing is original and the reason why we have similar things out there is because we are somehow all connected mentally or you can say spiritually. 

That's why we have certain 'hype' in our culture. 

Maybe we all thought of this or maybe there is already something that people call this 'theory' or maybe people deemed it as stupid because no one will take it seriously. 

Well I put it out there.

I like to challenge and question everything and I constantly question the sanity of this theory as well.  

Many of you know I challenged the world at the beginning of the fall semester  to hit me with its best shot.

If anyone wants to know what happened there you can look at my story 'Where Did Robin Go?' 

I also will put the meditation of what happened there.

If you are struggling to understand my spiritual journey that's okay.

I appreciate if you don't mock my journey because it is a sensitive subject for me and I am writing this to talk about it with people who are interested in knowing or are struggling to find themselves spiritual wise.

But you are your own person do what you wish. 

I put it out there and I have to suffer the consequences whether it is good or bad. 

Not that I am assuming you'd make a joke outta me its just...ya never know who could be reading this.

Sorry back to unconditional love. 

Unconditional love can come in many forms. 

Many of you reading this may feel like certain people don't love you because they don't agree with certain things. 

Just because my parents will never agree on my sexuality or my beliefs doesn't mean they don't love me.

The fact I am still underneath their roof and still get to be myself means a lot to me.

Of course there are some limitations like

I am not allowed to bring a guy or a girl over to have sex with or to be alone upstairs in my room with them, of course Ouija boards are out of the question( I personally feel uncomfortable dealing with those types of dark things anyways), I can't go willy-nilly telling them that I am a witch, and if I want to stay a new rule is: unless if I am deadly sick or really tired I must attend church.

You'd must be thinking,

'But you're twenty years old, can't you do whatever you want?'

No reader. I can't. 

It's still my parents household. Respect comes in different forms. In ways I cannot fully express myself spiritually or sexually there but if that means I'll still have somewhere to live and connect with my family I rather be living in a household then be homeless at this point.

And I go to church now so they get off my back about it.

Currently its just less annoyance because my family is really preachy did I mention that already? I am sorry.

 The next thing I will talk about is the difference between Spirituality and Religion and the miscommunication and fear you might have to discussing this to your friends and family.

I hope you guys have a lovely day

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