Hell and Afterlife

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Okay this is where I get really opinionated and people might get mad.
Who am I kidding? That is the entire book practically.
I can't step on eggshells forever.
They hurt.
This fear of Hell...was a big one for me even when I was a Christian. It made me feel like I had to punish myself for being myself.
I had to apologies for every little thing I did and punish myself on a constant basis. I developed anxiety from this.
Three later I grew and I want you to hear me out on what I have to say about Hell.
Hell is a construct thought that was invented to convert people to Christianity and instill fear into  people.
Whether you think you have proof that its true or I have proof that it isn't both cases are invalid. Because we truly don't know.
Now you might say,
"Well...Robin that doesn't make any sense and this really doesn't help with the fact I am still afraid of it."
Well I decided to look about it in a different angle in order to keep growing.
If I am wrong I will pay my consequence.
It doesn't mean that I have given up. It means I no longer feel like I should be wrapped around the fact I am a sinner and need to be constantly punished for it. This was really unhealthy for me.
If I burn hell for wanting a better relationship with myself or wanting to seek out what I believe so be it.
But I refused to continue my life trying to please people.
That's what really made me walk away from the Christian religion as you have seen from the very beginning you could say that I really wasn't Christian...and you be right on that.
So therefore I am bettering myself from walking away from what was destructive to me.
That's when you become the stronger person whether you are wrong or right it doesn't matter as long as you become a better person.
I am less judgemental on not only myself but of other people. I am not politically correct for not being quick to judge. I am being considerate and sensitive to others feelings and emotions. Being politically correct would be me not publishing this in the first place.
We all have hardships to work on but you must love yourself and through yourself you can begin to grow.
But I don't believe in Hell.
If you want to believe in it do so with a heart of no judgement on yourself or others.
Please be mindful that other people have free will and make choices that you cannot control but you don't try and change someone because you don't agree. You let the person grow and don't expect them to change.

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