The Mate of the Alpha....Did I mention I'm a cat person?!

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Laying outside in the bright moonlight I let out a deep sigh. The crickets chirped, and the frogs croaked, and in the distance I could hear an owl hoot. My ears would twitch every so often at a sound that was too loud. But I couldn’t be too distracted by the sounds of the night, or by how beautiful the moon looked. My heart ached for something more. Standing up, I stretched myself out and lightly bounded across the field towards the tiny house that sat in the middle of it.

There wasn’t much to the house. It was small, only two bedrooms. The front of the house was covered in a red brick facing, and it made the house look older than it was. As I neared the house I could see the wear it had on it. Padding over the smooth concrete of the front porch, the sound of my paws slapping the pavement was the loudest sound I could hear. Catching my reflection in the glass front door, I paused. The all too familiar sight of my wolf stood gazing back. My thick black fur gleamed in the moonlight. My yellow amber colored eyes stared back at me with as much heart ache and emptiness as I felt. Pulling myself away from the reflection I hopped off the porch and gently and quietly made my way through the flower bed, careful not to step on any of the beautiful tulips or violets that swayed carelessly in the warm breeze. I finally stopped outside of the window. Placing my front paws on the window sill I lifted myself up so that I was standing straight. Peering into the dark room I took in the familiar sight. A dark oak dresser sat to the far right with a small television placed on top. A small book shelf sat on the opposite wall, crammed with books. Pictures were everywhere, taking up almost every spare inch of wall space. And right beneath the window sat a small bed, and laying in it, tangled up in the mass of quilts was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Her dark brown hair flowed around her beautiful, soft face. Her complexion was a stunning milky white that seemed to glow in the bright light of the moon. She looked breath taking and all I wanted was to climb through the window and be with her. The window was open and her intoxicating scent of lavender and lilac wafted towards me.

‘Just can’t help yourself can you Jax?’ a familiar voice rang clear through my mind.

Snapping my head to the side I recognized the large salt and pepper wolf immediately, even though he was half covered by darkness.

‘Don’t you know it isn’t safe to sneak up on a wild animal?’ I said turning my head to give the girl on the bed one last look before sitting in the flower bed.

‘It’s not sneaking if you make noise, which I did. You just happen to be, distracted.’ I saw his eyes travel to the open window.

‘What about it?’ I asked.

I heard him let out a sigh and walk towards me. Something was troubling him, even if he wasn’t my best friend I would have been able to tell. His head sagged, but his body was rigid. He came here for a reason that he wasn’t happy about, and I knew that I would be either. But because I cared so much for my best friend I would let him tell me what I knew he had to.

‘Jax, this has to stop,’ he said finally.

‘I don’t need a lecture,’ I said.

‘I’m not here to lecture you. I’m here to reason with you. As your friend.’

‘There isn’t anything to reason about.’

‘Of course there is! You’ve completely abandoned your pack. You haven’t phased back to a human in almost a week and you are neglecting your duties as Alpha.’

‘I’m not Alpha yet. I won’t ever be.’

‘You are the alpha, with or without her. You are my alpha!’

‘Brandon I don’t need this right now.’

‘Well that’s too damn bad! You need to see reason!’ he challenged.

‘You need to stand down,’ I said letting a low growl flow from me.

‘Look she rejected you,’ at his words I let my head fall. Just hearing it said made my heart ache, it caused me physical pain. ‘I’m sorry. I don’t know what you’re going through, but—‘

 ‘That’s right you don’t! So don’t judge me. Don’t tell me what I should or shouldn’t do because until you feel the way I do you have absolutely no right,’ I spat at him angrily.

‘Jax, please. You have to let go. You have to, for your pack. You are our alpha, whether you want to believe it or not. We can’t function without you.’ I could see the desperation in his eyes.

‘It doesn’t matter anyway, you know that.’

‘We can find a way around this,’ he pleaded. ‘The elders can surely make an exception.’

‘You know that is a lie.’ I stood and walked towards him. ‘Brandon, you are my best friend. You were to be my beta. And now you are to be my alpha.’

‘You know I don’t want this.’

‘No one does. But this is what has happened.’

I watched as he looked down at the ground, finally seeing that there was no way around this. ‘I want you to be my beta,’ he said.

‘I’m sorry but I can’t leave her, no matter how much she wishes I was gone.’

‘Why don’t you just mark her? You know she wants you to.’

‘I know. But I want her to come to terms with it. I want her to be happy and if she is without me then so be it.

‘But she isn’t and she won’t be without you. That’s the point! You both complete each other. She wants and need you. Look at her!’

I did eagerly. She looked so peaceful. Her hair was fanned around her. Her skin shined bright in the moonlight. I watched as she clutched a long body pillow tightly to her side, burying her head in it.

‘Even now she is craving for you,’ Brandon said.

‘What are you talking about?’

‘Look at the way she is holding that pillow. That should be you. Even in sleep her body and her heart ache for you. She will never be happy with anyone else, and you know that.’

‘I know.’

‘So do something about it! Please Jax!’

‘I won’t force her.

I won’t force her. I’m sorry Brandon, but even though it hurts, I have to let her have a normal life. And that mean a life without me,’ I said as I gazed longingly back at the beautiful girl lying on the bed, attempting to ignore that ache in my chest for her.


So I'm trying out a new story. It's been in my head for awhile. Yes it's a werewolf one but I had to get it out. So let me know what you think. Feedback would be much appreciated! Thanks!


The Mate of the Alpha....Did I mention I'm a cat person?!Where stories live. Discover now