Chapter Eleven

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Chloe's POV

The rest of the week flew by and before I knew it it was the weekend. Weekends back home would consist of sleepovers with my friends, bon fires, making dinner with my grandmother, and going to the movies. But now it was different. My friends were gone, far away, living lives and having experiences without me. But even through the stab of loneliness and longing I swore to myself I'd keep my mind occupied.

Saturday Leah and the girls promised to come over but not until late. As I sat on my front porch in the morning with my mug of tea I looked around. The grass already desperately needed cut, the flower bed that I had high hopes for neeed weeded and new flowers, and there was plenty of laundry to occupy my time. With my plans for the day set I got to it.

Heading into town I stopped by the local grocery store. It was a quaint little building. Advertisements hung in the window, shopping carts were lined in front of the store, and a couple of older men sat on the bench by the entrance reading newspapers. The whole scene looked comfortable and familiar and a smile came to my face. I browsed the aisles, grabbing food and anything else I might need. I smiled at anyone I met and seeing their smiles and hearing their 'Hellos' was such a welcome relief. It was so much better than the fake smiles and looks dripping with pity that I had always received back at my old home. It only helped to make me see the fresh start I was getting here.

After the grocery store I decided to stop by the local garden shop and pick up an assortment of flowers and anything else I would need for getting my flower beds in line. It took longer than I had thought it would. All the beautiful colors and smells seemed to keep me captivated and I couldn't bring myself to leave until I had spent more than I needed to. Heading back home I decided to get right to work. The flowers were the first thing. Throwing on a pair of cut off jean shorts and an old t-shirt, and putting my headphones in I dug right in, literally. I began digging up old weeds, digging new holes and planting new flowers. Within a few hours the garden was really starting to come together and I looked as if I'd rolled around in the dirt.

I was so absorbed in my gardening that I was completely unaware when a car pulled in the drive way. I only looked up when the sun seemed to be blocked out from behind me. Looking up I couldn't help but to let out a cry of surprise and fall back into the dirt on my bottom. Yanking my headphones out I was met with a familiar voice.

"Whoa, easy." I watched as the figure knelt down and I came face to face with Jax.

Releasing a sigh of relief I let out a shaky laugh. "Jax, you scared me."

"I'm sorry," he said offering me his hand and helping me to my feet. "I called your name but apparently you didn't hear me."

"No, it was the headphones." We both stood there for a moment just looking at each other. Finally I asked, "What are you doing here?" It wasn't that I minded. In fact it was the exact opposite. The flutter in my stomach and the feeling of awareness that came over me at being so close to him brought  a smile to my face.

"Well I happened to be in the neighborhood and figured I'd drop by and see if you've had any other problems around here. You know with what happened the other night," he said innocently.

"Nope, it's been pretty quiet." A moment passed before he looked down at the flower bed.

"Gardening huh?"

"Oh yeah, just figured it was such a nice day that I might as well do some yard work before I hang out with Leah and the girls tonight. God knows there is plenty to do around here," I said looking around at my poorly manicured lawn.

"What all did you have in mind?" he asked.

"Well I want to get all these flowers planted and the lawn cut, as a start. I don't think I'll have time to finish it today though. My yard is enormous," I said on a sigh.

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