Chapter Six

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I walked into the cafeteria with my head spinning. So many things had happened in such a short amount of time. I had finally found my mate. The thought alone made me smile proudly. After all the years of wondering and searching, it was finally over. After all the restless nights I had laid awake in my bed thinking about who she would be, if she would be beautiful, funny, smart, if she would make me happy, all those questions were answered. I had only met her once, and I had only talked with her for about an hour, but she was even more than I could have hoped for.

Seeing the massive sea of cramped tables and students I spotted my friends across the room. They seemed to sense that I was there because they all looked up and started to wave me over. I would have smiled at them if I already wasn’t. Making my way over I sat my stuff down at the empty seat between Leah and Nick.

“Hey Jax,” Nick said while holding tightly onto Lei’s hand.

“You missed lunch,” Tony pointed out.

“Yeah are you sick?” Brandon asked jokingly. I did feel pretty weird. I felt light headed and my stomach was rolling, but I knew it wasn’t because I was sick.

“And since you missed lunch today, you missed meeting our new friend,” Leah said with a frown. So Chloe had had lunch with them today. I wondered how it had gone.

“Yeah, you left Linnea in your place,” Lei said almost scolding me. This caused me to give her a questioning look.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Let’s just say that Linnea was a little less than friendly towards our new, human, friend,” Tony clarified for me. I felt my fingers clench into fists. I knew exactly how Linnea could be. If she liked you she could be the nicest person ever. But if you got on her bad side, she could be your worst enemy. She was cunning and ruthless, and this is one of the reasons she was such a good fighter as a wolf. But to think that she acted that way towards Chloe, towards my mate, made my blood boil. I would have to sit down and have a talk with her about quite a few things.

“Well, I’m not going to let Mss Bitch scare off my new friend,” Leah said firmly.

“Yeah, she may only be human but I really like her,” Mahala said.

“She was pretty funny,” Brandon admitted.

“I have to say that she is pretty brave. She stuck around even after she watched Nick and Brandon duke it out for the last piece of pie at lunch today,” Tony said with a laugh.

“Hey you all know me, you don’t come between me and my pie,” Nick said holding up his hands.

“Yeah well it is a shame you missed her Jax,” Lei said.

I let out a warm laugh. I was glad that my pack was already coming to like their future alpha female. It would make things so much easier in the long run for her to be on good terms with everyone. The only person I would have to worry about was Linnea. And almost as if she could hear my thoughts, I heard a familiar voice come from behind me.

“Missed who?” Linnea asked. Turning around I saw her. She was wearing a pair of skin tight jeans and a low v neck shirt. Her outfit left very little to imagination. Normally I would have found her irresistible, but now, I was almost compelled to ask her to put more clothes on.

“We were talking about Jax not getting to meet Chloe at lunch today,” Tony said.

“Trust me, you didn’t miss anything,” Linnea said, scrunching up her nose in disgust. I couldn’t help the way my eyes narrowed at her or the way my body tensed as she put down my mate. She then tried to lean in for a kiss but I turned my head away from her at the last second. Linnea sat there wide eyed. I never turned her down, ever. It was a shock for her, just like I knew what I had to tell her would be.

The Mate of the Alpha....Did I mention I'm a cat person?!Where stories live. Discover now