Chapter Two

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Stretching my legs out, I groaned. This drive was exhaustingly long. Sitting up straight in my seat I tried my best to stay awake. Driving all day on hardly any sleep was definitely not a good decision. Looking out my window I sighed at the sun as it slowly sunk behind the horizon, taking with it the warm, orange glow of its rays and leaving behind the inky black of the night. Glancing at the clock on my dash board I saw that it was 7:21. Smiling to myself I knew I should be there soon. Concentrating on the smooth interstate in front of me and the dotted white lines that ticked past, I thought of where I was going. This road would lead me to so many new things. My new college, my new life, my new home. But more than anything, this road represented my new hope. My hope to start over. This road lead away from all the painful memories of the past few years and the all the weight that they carried. It lead me farther from a place that reminded me every single day of the life I had lost and would never again get back. This was so much more than just a road to me. It was a brand new beginning, and I was meeting it with open arms.

Finally, I got off at the right exit and by 8:10 I was pulling into the driveway of my new home. Just like in the pictures it was beautiful, at least to me, for my very first home it was. It was covered in a red brick face. The roof was a black slate color and made the house look secure. The porch was small yet cozy, and I could easily see myself enjoying warm tea, sitting on a comfy swing in the late evenings. A flower bed sat next to the porch, left in disregard. I would have to fix that. The small gravel driveway wound around the house to the back, where the garage was. Both the front and the back yards were huge and now I was exceptionally happy that my grandfather had given me his extra riding lawn mower so that I wouldn’t have a problem cutting the grass. The house sat perched in the middle of a field and looked a bit out of place. But me being the optimist that I am could simply see bon fires, barbeques, and pick up football games being done in the yards with my friends; that is, if I made any new ones here.

Putting my car in park, I attempted to put any depressing thoughts out of my head. I saw that the movers truck was there, waiting to be unpacked in the morning. Pulling out the shiny silver key that seemed to feel hot in my hand, I walked up to the back door and unlocked it. Taking a moment I gathered myself. This was it, I was getting ready to take my first steps into my brand new home. Walking in it was dark. I couldn’t see very far inside the house. Finding the light switch inside the door I flicked it on, seeing that I was stepping into the dining room. Most of my larger furniture was already there. My small dark wooden table and chairs sat neatly in the dining room. Walking into the next room I saw the kitchen. It was small with white linoleum floors and light brown counter tops. I could already see myself cooking big dinners for people. The living room had my couch, chairs, and entertainment center in no certain order. I’d fix all of it tomorrow and hopefully have it looking like an actual house.

I walked all throughout the house, flipping on lights anywhere I went. I couldn’t get the dorky smile off of my face. This was mine. This was my home. The knowledge of knowing that I owned all of this made my head spin. After being so strapped for so long it was such a difference. My phone ringing from my pocket pulled me away from my happy thoughts. Without bothering to check the caller ID I clicked the green button and said, “Hello?”

“You make it down there?” the warm familiar voice of my grandmother asked.

“Just got here,” I said falling onto my bed that the movers had placed in the master bedroom.

“Is your stuff there?”

“Ya. The big stuff is already in the house. I’ll just to have arrange it the way I want. The other moving van is outside. I’m guessing the movers will be back over tomorrow.”

“Good. So do you like it?” I could hear the anxiousness in my grandmother’s voice. This not only meant a lot to me, but to her as well. She had helped me get here after all.

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