Chapter Five

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Jax’s Pov:

Driving to school I couldn’t help but be a bit cranky. I had missed lunch today because I was running late. I had been wrestling around with Nick last night over who got to take Brandon on for the first round of Call of Duty, and I had misplaced my keys somehow. Pulling into the parking lot I wasted no time in grabbing my things and heading straight to class. Dragging my schedule out from my back pocket I skimmed it over and groaned. Other than the fact that I had speech class, which was bad enough, I had it with Professor Lamb. I knew how tough a teacher she was, so I knew that there was no way I was going to get through by just doing the bare minimum of work. I knew I would probably have to have a chat with my advisor, who makes my schedules, about getting me out of this class.

Walking through the small campus I took a moment to enjoy my surroundings. The University was situated on top of a hill, but it was surrounded by the woods. It was so peaceful. It was fall and the leaves were beginning to change color and fall from the trees. The drastic change from the warm summer made the campus seem brighter. The weather was just right, the sun shined brightly but a soft breeze blew through the trees making the temperature just right. If I wouldn’t have been late to class already I would have taken time to stop and just relax outside.

As I neared the building that my class was in, I caught the faintest scent. It was a pleasant mixture of lavender and lilac. Stopping dead in my tracks I took a moment to just inhale the aroma. It was amazing, like nothing I had ever smelled before. It’s not that I hadn’t ever smelt lavender or lilac before, but there was something about this scent. It was almost as if it was calling to me. I couldn’t stop myself from following it. Without thinking I set off in the direction that it went. Solely focused on the intoxicating smell I followed it like a thread in the dark. Nothing else mattered. All that I could think about was the smell and where it was coming from. I chased after it through hallways and through doors, but none of it fazed me. The longer I followed it the stronger it became, and the stronger it became the faster I chased after it. Not realizing I was sprinting until I skidded to a halt outside of a classroom door, I found myself panting, breathing in as deeply as I could. Seeing the sign next to the door I found that this was the class that I was supposed to be in as well. But as I walked into the room that didn’t matter, all that did was finding out where that wonderful smell was coming from.

Just inside the door I stopped to scan the room, and that’s when I saw her. The most amazing thing I had ever laid eyes on was sitting at a table at the back of the room next to a window. I watched as she gazed out of it. She was small, yet it was easy to see that she wasn’t weak. Her long chestnut colored hair fell down her shoulders and framed her perfect face. The sunlight that fell on her face seemed to only make her complexion glow. I’m not sure how long I stood there just staring at her, but I couldn’t help it. Even from here I could tell she was astounding.

Someone scrapping a chair across the floor next to me broke me from my trance and without wasting another second I rushed to grab the empty seat next to her. As I got closer to her I saw her look down. She was nervous, it was obvious, but I didn’t understand why. Her hair fell over her face, covering it from me, and I desperately wanted to reach out to move it away so I could see her face once again. Clenching my hands into fists to stop them from doing something that would be rude I wished to speak. As I opened my mouth I found that I was unable to utter even a single word. It was like my mouth was full of cotton. Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath I tried to regain my focus but all I managed to do was get a breath full of her overpowering scent. Shaking my head lightly I finally managed to ask, “Is this seat taken?”

I watched as she looked up at me, and our eyes met. As her almond brown eyes locked with mine, I couldn’t breathe. My boy froze and all I could do was watch her look at me. The connection that was between us was immense, and it was almost too much. I felt every single cell in my body crave her. It was as if we were two magnets and we were being pulled to each other. I couldn’t think of anything else than the constant need I have for her. I’d never seen a more beautiful face. Her smooth milky white skin brought out her eyes. Her full, pink lips were slightly parted as she raked her eyes over me and I couldn’t help but to notice how inviting they looked. I saw how she gazed over my face, down my chest, and back again. She was checking me out, and I couldn’t help but smirk. I watched as a deep shade of red colored her face. To stop my hands from running over her blushing cheeks I ran a hand through my hair.

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