Chapter Seven

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Chloe’s POV:

Grabbing my things as fast as I could, I scrambled out of the classroom. I needed space between Jax and I. It’s not that I didn’t like him. In fact, it was the exact opposite. I really liked him; he was funny, charming, and not to mention drop dead sexy. But what had me rushing out of the room wasn’t my need to be away from him. It was the almost uncontrollable need to be with him. I don’t know why, but I was just seconds away from throwing myself at him. I knew that I was just one more longing look into his eyes away from doing something I knew I would regret. And in all honesty, it scared me. I had no idea why I felt this way or why I wanted him so much. So using every last thread of will power I had, I rushed from the room and didn’t look back.

I stopped in the bathroom and locked myself in a stall. Stooping down I checked all the other stalls and gratefully saw that they were empty. Taking a seat, I took deep breaths. I needed to calm myself down. Even now, when I was away from him, his distinct and overpowering scent was still around me. He had the pleasant odor that lingers after a rain storm, the refreshing scent of mint, and the musky aroma of the woods. It was surprisingly calming. Every time I closed my eyes his face would be there. I just couldn’t get it out of my mind. Why was I acting this way? I had met him once, once, and this is the effect that he was having on me.

After a few minutes I slipped out and went to my last class of the day, Spanish. Nothing like learning about another language to take your mind off of a guy. I sighed and headed towards class.

DING! DING! My text message tone went off from where I left it on the counter. Setting the pictures down that I was hanging in the hallway I walked over to it. Picking the phone up I glanced at who the message was from. I smiled when the name Leah appeared on the screen.

‘hey’ she said.

‘hey! Wat’s up?’ I asked.

‘Nt much just bored. Wat r u up 2?’

‘Just doin some last min unpackin’ I answered back.

‘sounds like a blast’ she joked.

‘U no it!’

‘So….i heard u met Jax 2day’ she said.

‘ya we have a class 2gtr’ I said like it was no big deal, even though the mention of his name brought butterflies to my stomach.

‘wat did u think of him?’ I couldn’t help but question why she would ask me this. What did she care? And more than that, she knew that Jax and I had met, so that must have meant Jax talked to her about me. What did he say? I was dying to know, and I was about to ask when I held myself back. I couldn’t do that. I didn’t want to make it obvious I liked him.

‘he was nice. Y?” I asked.

‘No reason. j/w wat r ur plans 2nite?’ she asked changing the subject.

‘nothing really just unpacking’

‘Well the girls & I were gonna have a girls nite u game?’ she asked.

Smiling broadly I quickly text back ‘Definitely! Wat r u guys doin?’

‘Nt sure yet…’

‘U guys can always come over here…’ I offered.

An hour and a half later, Lei, Mahala, Leah, and I were all sitting on the floor of my living room painting our toes and watching Dirty Dancing. I was just finishing up my last few toes while everyone else was basically waiting for their toes to dry off.

“This was a great idea!” Lei chirped happily, while letting her bright purple polish dry.

“Yeah, we have to do this way more often,” Mahala said as she sat back admiring her electric blue nails.

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