Punch the Window Glass

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Firey's POV:

It's the fourth day of the ninth month! Wowee! That makes me so happy! I woke up looking at the moon and saying, "Watch us, moon. We may not be the most interesting show in the universe, but hey, at least we try." I got a shirt on that said, "I only came to the funeral for the food" and somersaulted down the stairs extraordinarily, but there was of course, no one else to see. My mom usually went to work early in the morning, but I often see her in the evening. She works in the movie industry, and the movie she's currently working on is called The Potats Strike Back. No, she isn't an actor she does lighting and works with lamps, thermometers and jugs of milk. My dad is dead, permanently. He was a great man, he fought in the Mukmuk & Misu war (read about that in Everything's Origin, hint hint, click click), and yet he never killed a single person! Anyways, I glanced at the clock and 8:19 was the time. I would have to leave at 8:45. I grabbed some waffles from the freezer and tossed them in the toaster. I then got impatient and ate the toaster, don't judge. The time was 8:33. For the next twelve minutes I contemplated why zebras can't be domesticated. Afterwards, I left the house and walked really slowly to school like a banana with legs.

It was a peaceful day. The birds weren't trying to eat everybody's mini coopers. Instead, they were sleeping in their happy places, occasionally making a noise that represented a typhoon hitting nothing. Although, that was probably because there weren't very many vehicles driving around. It was calm. Maybe even too calm. Now it's bothering me. Like, a lot. Then, my school was right in front of me. I walked into the office and greeted Principle Yellow Face, who had his usual, ecstatic smile. "Leafy will be here any second now," he told me. A few moments later, she and her mom walked in. She looks like a waffle, I thought to myself."HALLO!" Principle Yellow Face greeted them. 

Leafy's POV: 

"HALLO!" the principle said to us, "My name's Yellow Face. You must be Autumn and Leafy Undulate, correcto?If I am not correct I will trap myself in a tiny box and make hawk-shrieking noises." "Yes, you're correct. It's a pleasure to meet you," said my mom. Along with Yellow Face, there was this kid who was burning. "By the way, this is Firey. He's gonna show you around the school, Leafy. We picked him because he'll be in all of your classes, so try not to hate each oth-" Yellow Face suddenly punched the window glass out of the window and fell out. I was startled, but Firey didn't look surprised at all. "Allow me to show you around Happyrock!" I smiled and began walking with him.

The two of us strolled down the hallways, which I noticed were covered with drawings of happy rocks. "What's up with all these rocks?" I asked Firey. "Oh, those?" he looked at me, pointing a pinkie towards the walls. He shook his hand violently! "Happyrock was founded by this rock named Rocky, and he was a very happy person. It's part of this school's curriculum to learn how to draw Rocky perfectly. It is only hygienic." He showed me many spots around the school, including the science lab, robotics lab, music room, auditorium, and the place that people go to when they feel like eating the stomach of a shark. Apparently that's a situation that happens a lot. Firey told me that it's completely normal, but I have a really hard time believing that. We ended with the school garden. "We have some tomatoes...... and some kale......" Firey told me. "Oh yeah, kale is pretty yummy," I replied. "What about tomatoes... are they also... pretty yummy?" He asked me, and I just nodded. "In order to qualify as a student at Happyrock, you must understand the yumminess of tomatoes." he said with a stern look. I couldn't tell if he was trying to be funny, or was actually serious. "Oh yeah, there's some popcorn. We grow popcorn too. Also very yummy. But there are barely any other vegetables here because I used to give all of them to Turnip." he laughed. "Wait, no," he corrected himself. "I meant to start crying," and he started weeping. I said nothing. We returned to the office. We saw the principle with a bunch of bandages (that were actually just toilet paper wrapped around his body.) He stared at us and didn't blink. All of a sudden, he exclaimed "THAT WINDOW GOT WHAT IT DESERVED!!!! Firey, thanks for showing Leafy around. I would have never been able to do it, I forget what's in the school every nanosecond. Okay bye HAAHhhahhAHHAHAHaahahaHA." Suddenly, he turned into dust and vanished. "What just happened?" I said, sounding concerned. Firey just responded with, "Welcome to Mukmuk Land."

(WOO-HOO. THAT'S CHAPTER TWO. THANK YOU. FOR LICKING GLUE. I have no idea what I am saying any time of the day. )

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