Chapter 4

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Uh Oh...?

Recap: That does it.. I'm gonna tell him his hair is not even a little symmetrical!

I walked up to Asymmetrical Yellow Eyes while he was measuring a picture and making sure that the candles under it were all perfect. I tapped on his shoulder and he turned towards me. Then he pretended it didn't happen.. That I wasn't here. He tuned back around and went back to admiring the symmetry.. I almost started doing the same but then I remembered what I came over here for. I started getting mad and yelled: "Hey! Why the hell are you pretending I don't exist like a little kid?!" All he did to me saying that was wave his hand towards me... Still facing the wall.... I was gonna freakin' kill him!

"HEY!! Stupid asymmetrical boy! I'm talking! Don't just completely ignore me!" I noticed him tense up but he still didn't even look at me.

"Okay.. You know what? I'm just gonna ignore you too. But I came over to tell you that you are obsessed with symmetry, just like me, and yet you are so asymmetrical it hurts! You have three white lines on one side of your stupid head!" And with that, I walked away. I walked over to Fate and was gonna start talking to her until I heard crying. I froze, then turned towards Kid. He was on the floor crying.

"I KNOW! I'M SO ASYMMETRICAL! ITS HORRIBLE! I'M TRASH! I'M GARBAGE! NO, I'M LOWER! I'M LOWER THEN A PIECE OF ASYMMETRICAL TRASH!" My eyes widened at his crazy outburst. Wow.. He's really upset about the three lines. I chuckled and walked over to Kid... It was really weird... I couldn't help but feel bad.. I walked over and sat down next to him. Then I whispered something in his ear. Right away he looked up at me and was completely silent. His face became slightly red. I laughed and he was still looking at me in amazement. I patted his back and said: "Don't worry Yellow Eyes, you're not lower then trash." I grinned at him and he smiled back.. His face was still red and I was about to laugh at his blushing, until Fate walked over to me and grabbed my arm. She dragged me outside an right away stared into my eyes. I widened my eyes and looked at her skeptically. She turned around and sighed.

"What did you tell him?" I looked at her confused and she turned around and grabbed my arm again. This time really hard. I winced.. It stung.

"What did you tell Kid to make him give you that face?" She really wanted to know and before I realized it I was blushing like crazy. I felt my face get hot so I covered it with my hand and averted my eyes.

"Uh.... Nothing.." I knew she would be able to get me to tell her sooner or later but I wanted it to be later.

"C! Tell me! I need to figure something out!" I looked at her then my eyes automatically went to my feet.

"Uh... Fine.... I told him... 'If you calm down, I'll do whatever you want me to'.. It's not my fault he took it dirty.." She looked at me with wide eyes then started laughing really hard. I looked at her slightly mad she's laughing at me. She noticed I didn't like her laughing but she didn't stop all she did was say: "I'm sorry.. It's just too funny!" She started laughing even harder. I shook my head and walked back inside. Once inside, I noticed Kid was sitting on the couch with his head in his hand. He looked really deep in thought.

"Hey, Kid! Whatcha thinking about?" I walked over and sat next to him on the couch. He looked over then quickly looked away where I couldn't see his face at all. I leaned forward. Waiting his answer. When he finally did decide to answer he was stuttering, majorly.

"u-uh.. I-I was just.. U-uh.. Thinking a-about... u-uh f-f-food..." Mmhmm.. Sure.. Whatever you say, Asymmetrical Yellow Eyes. I shook my head and said: "Whatever.." I stood up and put my hands over my head, stretching my back. Once I felt a pop, I lowered my hands again and looked at Kid. He was looking at me but then looked away again. I shook my head again and looked behind the couch to see Fate. She was gesturing for me to follow her. I walked around the couch and followed Fate who walked into a kitchen. She looked at me then motioned for me to come closer so she can whisper in my ear.

"Dude.. You guys are like.. Perfect for each other!" She whisper yelled in my ear. I backed away so I can tell if she was serious... She was.. She was looking at me with a huge smile like she does when she sees people in an anime whom she ships.. Uh oh... I shook my head and put that statement in the back of my mind for me to come back to later. I walked back out to where Kid was and noticed he had his head faced up towards the roof and his eyes were closed.. Was he asleep? I walked in front of him and tapped his leg. He jolted up and ended up hitting his head on my nose.

"Ahh!" He scared me.. Then I noticed him looking at me in worry.

"C! Are you okay?!" I cocked my head then felt the pain.

"OWW!" I tilted my head down and watched as the blood pooled in my hands. Ugh.. Boo.. I don't want my nose to hurt.. I ran towards the nearest bathroom and held my head over the sink. I watched as the blood mixed with the water in the sink. My nose still really hurt.. I noticed someone put their arm around my shoulders and I expected it to be Fate but it surprised me when I saw Kid. I looked down and my face got hot.. Why is this happening to me? Do I like Kid...? Is there a possibility..? I looked back up at him and noticed this whole time he had been talking.. Woops.. I wasn't paying attention because I was trying to figure out my situation.

"C! Oh my god.. I am so sorry! You scared me and I jumped and I am really, really sorry!" He looked truthfully upset. I smiled up at him and said: "Don't worry, I'll be fine.. But I will have to pay you back.. I'll have to beat your ass up later." He smiled and nodded then Fate ran in and gave me a tissue so I don't have to stay leaning over the sink. I put it on my nose but not hard because it still really hurt. Then I walked out into the living room and sat on the couch.

"I'm bored we should do something." I said even though I just got hit in the face, I wanted to take my mind off of everything and play game with my friends.

"Yeah alright, what do you guys want to do?" Kid said as he walked over and sat down next to me. Fate sat in the chair that was about three feet away from the couch. We all thought about it until Fate jumped up with an idea.

"Let's just make some Earl Grey tea and talk about life." Okay.. Well I guess that's what we are gonna do for now. I nodded and Fate went into the kitchen to make some tea. It was really awkward... Just me and Kid sitting in silence... Next to each other... Ughh.. Okay I'm gonna say something.. Um...

"So... How's is school..?"

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