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It's been a month since they shared their 'I love you's' and nothing's changed between Demi and Jessie. Jessie called a lawyer after she left Demi that day and found out that the only way she could leave the marriage is if she could convince her father that Colin was treating her awful.

And if she indeed divorced him, her father would be out of the twelve million dollar deal he made with Colin's family.

Like most business affiliated arranged marriages getting out was almost impossible.

Everything was just a mess.

When she told Demi, Demi was furious. She understood but at the same time she didn't. All she wanted was to be with Jessie, even that now seemed impossible.

To say they were struggling to continue their affair was an understatement. Colin was becoming suspicious and questioned her frequently about her whereabouts that eventually led into arguments.

Demi couldn't handle it, her emotions got the best of her and she out of her own hurt. Quit her job, Jessie had begged her privately to stay but Demi had her mind set. She couldn't stand it anymore and told her it was best if they stopped what they were doing.

"I can't do this anymore Jessie! I refuse to be toyed around and led on." Demi shouted stuffing her things into her suitcase angrily. This was the last straw she was done.

"Nobody's toying you around, you knew what you were getting into when you stepped through that door and kissed me! You started this Demi."

Demi shook her head tears cascading down her cheeks, "I didn't know then that I would fall in love with you. I didn't know that you would be on my mind every second of the day. And I certainly didn't know that you would be the one that broke my heart."

Jessie watched as Demi zipped her bag and left out the room. She felt completely and utterly useless. Because she couldn't go after her like she wanted too. It was time to let her go, Demi was right, they should've never started it. Jessie was upset more so at herself, she was the older one, she should've done something to stop it.

She refused to cry, she willed herself to brush it off and continue to live her life how she once did before the blonde hair beauty entered her life.

For the first few days, Jessie stayed in her room sulking in her own misery. Everything was different when she thought of Demi, it was foreign to her. She had a lot of time to think and everything seemed to light up when she thought of her.

Is this truly what love was? Because it was driving her mad.

Jessie came across her husband in his study, she knocked before entering and he invited her in. Jessie hadn't been in that room often so she took a moment to look around.

"Is there something you need?" He attested leaning back in his chair, he wasn't in the best of moods.

"Actually there is, I wanted to talk to you about something." She said, not moving from her spot by the door. He urged her to go on so she did.

"Have you ever been in love?"

The question startled him, completely. He looked at her with uncertainty before speaking, "Yes I have."

"Do you love me?" She asked and he stood up from his chair scratching the back of his neck weighing his answers. He did love her but not in the way a married man should. There was someone else.

"I care for you.." He decided to say, but that wasn't enough for her, she needed more.

"You care for me? In what way? Come on Colin, just admit it. We're not in love and we're not happy together." She stated. It felt so refreshing to get that off of her chest she felt like a new person.

"You make me happy." He decided to say, hopefully that was enough to shut her up he thought silently to himself.

"No I don't, there's someone else. That red head that's always around. I'm not dumb Colin, I take notice to a lot of things." She said completely frustrated, because of him she might of lost the love of her life.

Though that wasn't completely true, she had to blame someone other than herself for screwing up her life.

"She means nothing to me. I love you." He said gently, the underlying edge to his voice completely gave him away.

"Stop saying that! We're not happy. I'm tired of living like this Colin! I want a divorce." Her voice was shaking slightly, Jessie never cried and especially in front of people. She always had this stoic look on her face masking her emotions.

But now everything that she was feeling in that moment you could see. She was in pain.

Colin's eyes narrowed slightly, "It's that maid, isn't it?"

She took in a shy breath, she didn't know how to respond. She wanted to scream yes! But her mind was telling her no, that it wasn't the right time.

"You've been sleeping with her for a long time," he said "you're a dyke."

Anger coursed through her veins and in three strides she was standing chest to chest with Colin, "Don't you dare use that vile word when referring to me again!"

He chuckled taking a step back to put some distance between them, "I knew it all along, the way you looked at her. As if you were in love."

"You can have your mistresses but I can't have mine?" Jessie went from wanting to kill him on spot. To wondering where this conversation was going, when did it suddenly become about her?

"You're sleeping with a women!" His voice rose with each word, "That's disgusting, repulsing and an abomination!"

This time Jessie did slap him across the face as hard as she could, Colin stumbled back caught off guard. "Don't you dare talk so low to me! I didn't choose to be like this. I love that women more than I've loved anyone in my entire life. She's showed me so many new things and made me realize that I do deserve better than this. She showed me that I deserve to be happy and she makes me happy!"

Colin was astonished, lost for words, as she went on about everything that she loved about that women, their maid. He never seen Jessie so passionate about something as she was when she talked about Demi.

He still didn't believe in being gay. To him it was a sin, completely disgusting and something that should be frowned upon.

"So I'm not asking you. I'm telling you that I'm getting a divorce. I don't care what deal our parents made. I'm done, I want out." She huffed.

"And then what? you go run off into the sunset with your girlfriend?" He spat venomously, the thought of him losing his wife to a women angered him. Not just a women but a low class dyke that cleans toilets for a living. It made him look bad, and if that got out to the press he would be ripped to shreds by his colleagues.

Jessie smiled walking out the room, "Girlfriend huh? I like the sound of that."

"I'm not letting you get a divorce to run off with that dyke!" He yelled after her. "I'll be in my grave before I sign those damn papers!"


Warning: the next chapter is the last!

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