New Student, New Place

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Age 10

"Today, we have a new student!"

A feminine looking boy strode in gracefully. The teacher smiled softly.

"Introduce yourself," she whispered. The transfer nodded obediently.

"Hello, my name is Tsunayoshi. Pleasure meet you all," he said simply. He shifted uncomfortably at the judging stares aimed at him. "This is the first time I've been out so far away from home. Please take care of me!"

"You don't have a last name?" a random student asked.

"Raise your hand!" the teacher scolded.

"No," Tsunayoshi answered. "They don't let me use it."

Nobody else asked anymore questions after that. As far as they were concerned, the boy was just an uninteresting piece of fresh meat for bullies.

"Tsunayoshi-san, you can sit--"

Tsuna ignored the woman, instead walking to his own chosen seat. Caramel orbs eyed her authoritatively.

"I'll sit here," he decided, gesturing to the seat next to Hinata. The teacher laughed nervously.

"I'm afraid someone already sits--"

"Well, it appears that person is not here today. I believe the saying goes, 'you snooze, you lose.' He/she is not here, therefore I earn the right to sit where I wish in his/her absence," Tsunayoshi explained, sitting himself down. "I apologize for any inconveniences."

Hinata wanted to laugh right then and there. The idiot!

The teacher only grumbled irritably under her breath, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Whatever. Fine!!" She shouted angrily at a giggling pair at the back. "You two there! If you have enough energy to laugh, then you should use it to listen. Now! Class officially starts. Miyuki-san, please read..."

. . .

Tsuna didn't want to go to school, but if Nana-sama sent her, then it must be for good reason. Though, she didn't understand what was so good about learning things that she had already taught to herself. Were teachers really necessary for one's "proper education"? Or were others perhaps too stupid to learn on their own? She didn't understand. Making a mental note to borrow a book on human nature and behavior, she switched her attention to the people cornering her.

"Just 'cuz you're a transfer, you think you're so great, huh? Coming here like you're all that?" a buff boy snarled. Tsuna wished she brought some breath mints with her, because--boy--that guy's breath was just damn nasty!! "Listen here, you little shit, the roof is our territory. Got it?"

"I'm afraid not, sir. None of you feel very powerful. Perhaps a bit intimidating, but it seems all 'bark and no bite', as the saying goes. Besides, you say it's yours, but the boy behind you all seems to think differently," she replied, pointing at the source of the increasingly darkening aura. In all honesty, she was surprised she didn't notice earlier.

Must be getting rusty...

"H-Hibari-san!!" one of the goons shouted.

"W-we thought you left! W-w-why are--"

"WE'RE SOOOOORRRRYYYYY!!!!" they screamed as they ran away.

"Hmph. Herbivores, for crossing my territory, harassing a fellow student, running in the hallways, and disturbing the peace, I'll bite you to death!!!" The raven head growled, grabbing--were those tonfas?!!--as he chased after the rule-breakers.

Tsuna deadpanned at the sight. The outside world was truly a mysterious place. But why did that guy seem so familiar...?

"Oh? So that's my descendent?"

Tsuna didn't have to see to know who it was.

"What are you doing here, Alaude?" she asked, making a face as though something unpleasant appeared.

"Don't make that face, Tsunayoshi. You should be glad it's me and not any of the others," the platinum blonde haired ghost reasoned.

"Actually, I prefer--"

"Don't finish that sentence," he interrupted, levitating purple handcuffs threateningly. The other paled considerably.

"I don't know what you're talking about..."




"So why are you here?"

"No reason."

"...okay then. What do you think of your 'descendent'? Up to your expectations."

"He seems strong, though his attitude appears rather childish. When you become Vongola Decimo, you can fix that." Tsuna's eyes glowed a neon orange as she glared at the smirking ghost.

"That's utter nonsense. My life is used only to serve the Sawadas, not to lead them," she ground out, glaring at the first generation Cloud Guardian.

"Hn. So you still think that way..." Alaude muttered.

"I don't think. It's a fact," Tsuna retorted.



Tsuna frowned. "We can discuss this later, it appears class is about to start again."

. . .

Hinata wasn't happy. It seemed her precious sister was fitting quite well in the school's hierarchy.

She had told her to act more clueless and stupid.

Well, Tsuna did obey orders, but she didn't fail enough. The girls seemed to think it was adorable and the boys seemed to stick to her like leeches. Hinata couldn't help but notice that most of her own followers and fans had decided to try and chat with Tsuna.

How to bring Tsuna down...

She knew she could always order the other girl to stop associating with others, but that wouldn't be very interesting. Blue orbs swept across the classroom, finally settling on someone. A sly smirk crawled onto her face.

Now that would be interesting.

"What's wrong, Hina-chan?" one of her friends asked. Hinata smiled.

"Nothing," she assured. Blue eyes glittered cruelly.

"Nothing at all..."

. . .

Finally finished! Chapter 2 rewrite is here! Don't know if you'll like it though...😅uhhh...I'll stop talking now.

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