13. From Texas to Idaho

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Hazel's POV:

Ever since the beach, Cher's been distant. She has been barely talking to us and have barely been looking at us. I think I may have hurt her. It is against girl code to go after a guy your best friend likes. I thought it was infatuation, but I guess I was wrong.

I didn't know you could fall in love with someone without knowing them. Is it selfish that I don't want to break up with Harry? I know I should, but I can't. I don't want to hurt him and I just like him too much. I should talk to him. As us girls say, sisters before misters.

I have been deep in thought for about ten minutes now while I watched a movie with the boys. Yes, cuddling with Harry. I'm a cuddler okay. And, I wasn't even watching the movie. What is it anyway? I think it's an action movie. Figures. Guys like action movies. Some girls, too, just not me in particular.

"You okay?" Harry asked, quietly so he wouldn't disrupt the others. He was just too nice and innocent. How could anyone hate him? This is making it harder for me to break up with him. There was going to be a lot of tension in the bus.

"I'm fine." I lied easily, looking up at Harry. He furrowed his eyebrows, before turning his attention to the TV. I knew he wasn't watching it. He would be too into how I am not okay. Although, I don't mind. I really want to get it off my chest.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, and I thought it was going to be Harry, but to my surprise it wasn't. It was Cher. I furrowed my eyebrows. She hasn't talked to me in a few days, and now she was talking to me. Cher leaned down.

"Can I talk to you?" She whispered in my ear and her tone sounded a bit harsh. Well, no need to be mean Cher. I nodded my head, excused myself, quietly and me and Cher made our way to the bathroom, which was weird. We usually talk in the bunks. Maybe Cher just wanted to be far away from the boys.

"Fuck you." Cher started, once the door was closed and locked. My eyes widened at her words. Okay, that's strange. Even for Cher. She would never say those words to anyone. She doesn't like saying it. So, that's really weird.

"What?" I asked in shock. Cher rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. I think I'm missing something. Okay, I know it's about dating Harry, but I didn't think she would say that to me. Or anyone for that matter. Or any matter.

"You know I like Harry." Cher said, pointing to me. Yeah, I know that, but I thought she liked Zayn. You could always like more than one person. God, I made a huge mistake. I was never good with crushes and such. I always thought you could only like one person. Leave it to Hazel Grey to make boy mistakes.

"I know, look I was-" I started, but Cher cut me off.

"But, you went out with him. What happened to girl code, huh?" Cher said. I opened my mouth to say something but Cher continued, "I know I said I liked Zayn, but come on, I still like Harry. What the actual fuck were you thinking?"

"Well, because of the guilt I was planning on breaking up with Harry." I stated. Cher just rolled her eyes. Does she not believe me or something? She should know I don't lie. I didn't even lie about Harry being my first.

"Sure you were." Cher replied rolling her eyes again. How could she not believe me? I haven' lied to her once since we met. Out of all times she is thinking I'm lying now? What is going through her head right now.

"I was Cher. Sisters before misters right?" I said, trying to get Cher to believe me. I just couldn't see why she wouldn't believe me. As far as I'm concerned I have never lied once. Why would I start now? I would never lie. Ever. To anyone.

"Well, you don't have to worry about that." Cher said, uncrossing her arms and walking out of the bathroom. What is that supposed to mean? Does that mean we aren't friends? Questions swarmed through my head.

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