19. Not Good Enough

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Harry’s POV:

 “Hazel, babe, what are you doing in there? I thought you were going to be packing. Why are you in the bathroom?” I said, knocking on Hazel’s bathroom door. I was so worried about her. After everything I just found out, I was so scared she was in there making herself throw up.

“Harry babe, I’m just putting on makeup. Got to look great for the cameras right?” Hazel said, opening the door with a goofy smile on her face and half of her eye makeup done. I laughed and her goofy little face and kissed her nose. She giggled a bit more and pulled me into the bathroom with her.

I leaned against the wall and watched her finish her makeup, which was a lot may I add. She never wore a lot of makeup, and now she is. I wish she’d know how beautiful she is without makeup. I’m just glad she’s moving with me, so I can make her believe she’s beautiful.

“So, I should start packing shouldn’t I?” Hazel asked, putting down her lipstick on the bathroom counter, and looking at me through the mirror. I nodded a little bit and told her that I would help her. Hazel smiled at me through the mirror and I automatically smiled back; it’s just something Hazel makes me do.

“So, I guess we should start packing. Um, I’ll pack my clothes I guess. You can start in here,” Hazel said shrugging, “When are we leaving?” I actually didn’t know. I think the flight is tomorrow, but I’d have to cancel it so we could pack up all of her stuff.

“Um, I’m not sure yet. I have to reschedule a flight. But, right now, let’s just worry about packing, okay babe?” I replied, pushing my weight off the wall and leaned forward against the bathroom counter, next to Hazel. She nodded and left the bathroom to get her suitcase.

“Hey, Harry can you get cardboard boxes? Where do we even get them?” Hazel yelled from her bedroom. I yelled back okay and I left the bathroom and went down to the basement to find some cardboard boxes, but before I did I kissed Hazel’s cheek.

Once in the basement it took me about fifteen minutes to find a small stack of cardboard boxes in the corner. I grabbed all the cardboard boxes and made my way back upstairs. I finally got up to Hazel’s flat and I walked in, calling out to her that I got the boxes.

When I got no reply, I furrowed my eyebrows. Hazel usually always replies. I put the cardboard boxes down and walked into Hazel’s room. She was standing in front of the window. I walked up to her, put my hands on her waist and spun her around.

“Hazel, what’s wrong?” I asked, noticing she was crying. I lifted my hand to her face and wiped away her tear falling and put my hand back on her waist. That was until Hazel pushed me away. Catching me off guard, I stumbled backwards, and almost fell, but I didn’t.

“Hazel, babe, speak to me.” I said, grabbing her wrist gently and pulling her back towards me, but she wouldn’t budge. Hazel pulled her arm out of my grip and crossed her arms, letting herself cry. And it really bugged me, too. I hate seeing Hazel cry. And just, seeing Hazel upset makes me upset.

“While,” Hazel started, hiccupping, “While you were-e downstairs in the ba-asment you got a tex-xt message from Demi Lovato, I freaking love her. And that’s when I realized no matter what I do-o or where I go-o, I’m never going to be good enough for you-ou. You deserve someone who can-n give back to you-u, not someone who you have to babysit. So-o Har-ry I’m breaking up with you.”

“W-What?” I asked. I tried to pull her into me again, but she wouldn’t budge again, “Hazel don’t do this. You are good enough. If anything I’m not good enough for you. Standing in front of me is this amazing, beautiful, talented girl and I’m standing in front of her, with my odd looks and stupidness. Please Hazel, don’t, don’t do this.” I replied, my voice cracking a lot; I’m on the verge of tears.

Hazel shook her head shortly before saying, “Harry I will always love you, but I’m not good enough. No other boy will ever make me feel the way you have, no other boy will compare to you, but you need someone who is better than me, someone who’s not me. Please just go.”

“No Hazel, please just hear me out,” I begged but she shook her head. I didn’t care. I wasn’t going to lose her, the only girl I truly loved, “No I will leave once you hear me out. You are the best relationship I ever had. You are amazing and whenever I’m with you, it’s like everything around me disappears. The rumors, having no privacy, just being famous in general. I cannot live without you and I don’t care if I sound cheesy, I don’t want to lose you.”

I started to get angry. Not at Hazel, but at myself. I was angry at myself for letting this happen. I was angry at myself for not being too involved with this relationship. I’m angry at myself about how this is going down. I’m angry at myself because Hazel thinks she’s not good enough. If only I could’ve made her believe that she was, if only I could’ve been there during the hate.

“Well, you’re going to have to Harry. Just let me go, okay?,” She said, raising her voice, “I’m not good enough for you, I shouldn’t have been with you in the first place. You could have someone who has a future, who has something to live for.” Hazel trailed off as her anger vanished.

“Hazel, babe please don’t say that. You have something to live for. You have me, and Cher, and you have your singing career. You have the lads. I know they really like you. Please don’t say that. Hazel, I need you.” I said, finally being able to pull her into me, so I wrapped my arms around her.

She cried into my chest and I rubbed her back, reassuringly.  I held back my own tears. Hazel crying makes me want to cry. I hate to see her upset like this. And over something that’s not true. I just want her to believe she is good enough. She’s more than enough for me, but I wouldn’t trade her for the world.

“Harry, you, you should go. I’ll get better once you’re out of my life. This is too much pressure. Please just leave.” Hazel said pulling out of my arms and wiping her eyes. And in that moment I realized I had to leave. I realized I was the one making her cry. I had to leave.

I nodded, “Okay Hazel. I’ll leave. But, remember that I love you.” I started towards the door and when I got there, I was half expected her to tell me to wait, but she never did.


That’s a good place to end right?

Oh and I apologize for the super short chapter!

Sad chapter. And I realize Hazel may be overreacting a little, but can you blame her? She’s a really sensitive girl who’s never had a boyfriend, and then her first boyfriend being Harry Styles… and I’d do the same thing. If I was Hazel because I wouldn’t let the hate get to me. Dem are dumb bitches anyway…

Pic on the side --> Banner I made for this chapter. It’s a quote Hazel said

Video on the side --> Nobody Compares by One Direction. I put it on the side because while writing this chapter, I thought of that song.

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