The Beginning*

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I have edited this chapter, it still may not be my best of work but it is sure much better than before! 

P A S T 

The feelings that washes over me when I am near Thor and Loki is one of the best feelings I have ever had. The feeling that I belong, like I fit somewhere in this realm.  Instead of feeling like a thing that was washed up and picked up by Odin, feeling out of use and worthless. Never truly living up to the brothers worth, not even close to Thor. Adored by Odin and the whole realm of Asgard. 

My feet hit against the floor lightly as we entered the relic room. The guards not paying us any attention, as they should. My eyes stared at the Frost Giants power. The dark entrancing swirls dancing inside. I cast a side ways glance at Thor and Loki. We visited the relic room a lot, this one always caught my eye. How one thing could hold so much power, and just for one race of monsters. I could see the blue reflecting off of my armor. 

Odin stepped out from between us, taking large steps towards blue relic. "There's a time when one of you." He turned around, finally facing us. My eyes stayed on him as he spoke. "That you will have to defend the peace between Asgard and the other realms."

"Do the Frost Giants still live?" Loki asked with curiosity peaking in his voice, innocence laced within. His eyes didn't leave Odin's either, just boring into him. 

"When I'm King," Thor interrupted his brother, I looked at him for a split second, judging his small outburst. He was always so loud. . "I'll hunt the monsters down and slay them all!" Thor spoke with his hands, doing gestures, as if he was really slaying  them. "Just as you did father."

"A wise King never seeks out war. But..." Odins eyes flicked between the three of us, seeming like he didn't know who to look at. "He must always be ready for it."

Odin began stepping towards us and walked down the corridor.  I held a small smile on my lips  as I looked between the brothers. They didn't even need to say anything before I started racing towards Odin, his steps were always so large. 

I laughed a little as I got to Odin first, my footsteps echoing throughout the room. I squinted my eyes at Loki, he was last. The lot of them had a different plan, the walked passed me. Both of them taking one of Odins hand. Even if I would have thought of that, I would have shot the idea down. Easily.

"I'm ready father," 

"So am I." Loki looked up at him with much fondness.

I kept my mouth closed when he stopped talking, knowing there was no possibility of me being Queen of Asgard, or even royalty. You had to be blood of Asgardian royalty and I am definitely not. 

"Only one of you can ascend to the throne, but both of you were born to be king, and queen." He glanced knowing well that I couldn't be.


The large room echoed with the noise of people cheering, for the all and great might Thor. The sound was all obnixous to my ears, there was no need for so much of the cheering. My eyes caught Thor sauntering towards us. Towards Odin. Mjlonir was raised in the air as he easily held it. As if it was easy doing that, like it was a bale of hay ready to be stacked. Thor began cheering. For himself. 

I stood on the stairs, the ones that climbed towards Odin. Thor stopped and bent down on one knee, in front of Odin. His red cape catching slightly on his leg, he placed Mjlonir down on the ground.

would I ever be worthy? Evidently not. 

His helmet slid off with ease off his long locks. A smile spread across his face with a wink he looked at his Mother. Odin saw this occur, as did half of the people on the stairs, he stood from his throne. He lifted the spear up and thudded the ground, making silence lay upon the room. It was simple for him to shush people.

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