An old foe

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Sans led the small group to mt. Ebott. Frisk trailed closely behind as Undyne walked next to the child.

Frisk quivered at the tension the two monsters had. They seemed to be thirsty for whoever was trapping innocent people,'s blood. He didn't want to even fight the killer, he just wanted peace. For all they knew, the killer was suffering. He kept his thoughts to himself however, since Sans and Undyne would probably disagree or even deny Frisk for such thoughts.

Even for the hostility, Frisk understood their motives. They needed to avenge Papyrus and this killer was the only key to suppress their thirst for vengeance. Still, this wasn't right, nor was this fair for not even trying to listen to what the killer might have to say, their OWN motives.

Soon enough, they arrive at the entrance to the underground. Undyne looked own, then turned to the two "We're gonna need to jump down to the debris below. Hang on!" Undyne ordered as she took a hold of him and Sans, then jumped down, landing perfectly on the rocks.


Undyne is very brave I tell ya. She can jump into the underground without any hesitation. I admire her bravery and her drive to push forward.

My sense of admiration soon faded as I looked at the remains of the rockfall. "Paps..." I said out loud. I knew that this was my brother's grave. I just.....

I burst into tears. I fall on my knees as I close my eyes. I feel a chill of cold air, once I reopened my eyes, I saw Frisk walk into waterfall. There was snow below me.

Was I in Snowdin? No, this can't be right! I thought.

I saw my brother's dust and battle body in the snow. I felt the ground, It was cold snow alright. "God damn it...I'm...I'm gonna....I'm gonna KILL that son of a bitch!" I hissed as my eye lit up. I punched the snow as hard as I could. It hurt my knuckles...but I shrugged off the pain. I stand as I suddenly felt a cold hand on my shoulder. Whipping around, I saw that...fucking ghost! Chara! "Stay away from me you ghost!" I snapped at her.

"You're weak Sans, you'll never avenge your brother by killing his killer! You'll die trying!" Chara laughed maniacly. She then started to say my name over and over and over, it seemed endless! I shot bones at her, just to make her shut up. "JUST DIE!" I snap, shooting a Gaster Blaster. The kid dodged, I was then restrained by some shadow. Oh god no! Chara's gonna kill me if I don't break free! I struggled, but it was no use. "Somebody! Help me!" I howled out. But nobody came.


Sans just started to have an episode once more. "Jesus Christ! This is the third episode today! Sans! Snap out of it!" Undyne told the cosplay human while restraining him. For some reason, he started to attack Frisk after crying over his brother's grave. Undyne felt the pain of losing him too, but she wouldn't bring it out on poor Frisk. "Maybe it wasn't a good idea to bring Sans along," Undyne told Frisk "He's so unstable since the rockfall. He's gonna get himself killed if this keeps up."

Frisk seemed to agree with her "When we get back home, we should try to make him see a doctor." Frisk suggested

*A doctor would be perfect for everyone right now, even me.*Undyne thought "Let's try to snap him out of it first" Undyne said "SANS! DONT WORRY! ITS JUST US! FRISK AND UNDYNE, YOUR FRIENDS!" Undyne called.

"Fr-Frisk...? Undyne?" Sans mumbled as his rage eye faded *thank god! He snapped out of it!* she thought.

Sans eased down as he looked at the two " I?" He asked, as if he had amnesia from where he was.

"You were hallucinating" Frisk replied "You started attacking me for no reason!"

"I had to restrain you" Undyne explained

"I.....oh god..." Sans croaked "I s-swear, I didn't hurt you did I? I didn't mean to attack you!" He panicked.

Frisk smiled "I know you didn't mean to. I-"

"Well well well, look who decided to show up!"


I heard the voice as I looked behind the kid. It was the fucking flower, why was I not surprised?

"Flowey! You're alive? I didn't see you since we left the underground!" Frisk exclaimed. Why was he shocked? I'm glad that I didn't have to deal with him for the past year! I had enough shit on my mind and he's the last thing I want to see!

Flowey grunted "I'm alive alright, but the three of you look like you're after someone. No, wait, don't tell me! You're after Bloodfall, aren't ya?"

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