A new threat

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"Bloodfall?" I asked. It was a stupid question, I guessed that Bloodfall is the name of the killer. Kind of a stupid name to be honest. I mean, who calls their kid Bloodfall?

"You heard me! Bloodfall, the one who killed Papyrus and traps and kills anyone who passes by waterfall! You ARE looking for him, right?" Flowey replied, such a rude tone he has. I can't believe that Frisk confirmed that this prick is really Asriel. I heard that Asriel was the nicest child alive, this guy is just the opposite.

"Yep! Well these two want to kill him. I'm here to ask questions." Frisk told the flower.

Flowey's expression seemed to change, something's up with this Bloodfall guy I suppose, he's got a hint of worry in his soulless eyes. "Well, you should just kill him if I were you. No this isn't a 'it's kill or be killed' thing, I'm dead serious."

"I won't kill h-"

"Listen!" Flowey cut off Frisk "This guy won't accept mercy from ANYONE! He's dangerous! Far from soft!" Flowey snapped. He sounds like he means it, but I'm keeping my guard up in case he pulls a dirty trick on us.

The kid just didn't give up "He'll accept my mercy! Everyone does!"

Flowey looked at Frisk in confusion, I was also confused on why this kid was so determined to spare a killer. Flowey gave in "Fine, do what you want. But don't say I didn't warn you!"

Frisk smiled "Don't worry! We'll be fine!" He said as he led us into the ruins.


Frisk did every puzzle easily. He's gotten the place down very well. The ruins were pretty occupied, it's kind of shocking really. Has Bloodfall really been trapping this many people? Surely they would have been able to gang up on him. Are they just too scared to even get near waterfall? No, there must be people in Snowdin!

We suddenly hear a voice calling for us "WAIIIIIIT!" I was sure that it was Flowey, what does he want now?

"What now?!? You wanna get speared in the stem?!!" Undyne hissed as Flowey approached us.

"No! Since I can't stop you idiots from facing Bloodfall, I might as well tell you what I know!" Flowey said.

I didn't trust him one bit. Why would he tell us information despite him hating us? For all we know, he's gonna lie.

"And what makes you think that we will listen or believe you?" Undyne challenged, she thought the same thing as me. Frisk gave a huff of agreement, none of us trusts this flower.

"Fine! Don't believe me! But I'm telling you anyway!" Flowey hissed.

We all looked at each other hesitantly, we all huddled up. "Should we listen?" I asked

"He's gonna spew lies! I just know it!" Undyne growled

Frisk looked at us "We might as well, Flowey might be telling the truth for all we know. Better having false information than no information." He pointed out.

Damn, Frisk had a point "Fine" I answered. Undyne didn't reply, but gave a grunt of "go ahead"

We turned to listen to the flower "We're listening." Frisk said calmly. I kept my guard up in case he pulled a surprise attack.

"Alright. I'll start with his name. You might be wondering 'why would a killer have the name Bloodfall? That sounds too convenient!'. Well, that's not his name, no one knows his name"

"Then why is he named such?" Undyne asked.

"As you might be thinking, this is a nickname everyone has been calling him. It's a fusion between Bloodshed and waterfall. He ONLY is seen in waterfall and his victims get slaughtered in his home. Some say that the waterfall is filled with the bodies of dead humans and the dust of monsters. I went there myself, it's...true" he shuddered at the thought. Is waterfall really how he says it to be? If he's right...then this is a huge problem.

"That's horrible!" Frisk exclaimed

"Wait, how do we know that you're not lying?" Undyne questioned

"Go there and see for yourself. Not now, I'm not done yet. You know how I said that he ONLY shows up in waterfall? Keep that in note, there's an imposter running around Snowdin, scaring everyone. I'll tell you a key note to KNOW about which Bloodfall is the REAL one."

"What does he even look like?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Oh right. You just need to look for someone running around with a gray hoodie, blood and dust splattered on it. Yeah he never seems to wash himself, it's kinda gross. But the key evidence is only to be seen if someone pays attention to his looks. Luckily, I got a good look on him. His hands."

"His....hands?" Frisk asked. I was also puzzled, what is so special about his hands?

"Yeah, unlike the imposter, Bloodfall doesn't wear gloves, people just didn't pay attention to his bony hands. They look like the hands of death!" Flowey said

"He's a skeleton?" I asked, another skeleton? I know that there are a lot of skeletons out there, but none came to mind on who would be bloodthirsty.

"Yep, he's a skeleton alright. Anyway, Bloodfall only has four fingers on each hand. He's missing his ring finger on his left hand and he's missed his pinky on his right hand." Flowey explained

"Kind of a weird detail to look for" Undyne cut in.

"Believe it or not, it's what kept me from being scared of the stupid imposter. Now get outta my sight. You got a skeleton to stop." Flowey finished as he burrowed in the ground.

We continued to walk through the ruins. It was mostly quiet until we arrived at Tori's old home. We took a minute to rest. "So, you think that the flower's telling the truth?" I broke the silence.

"I don't trust him" the fish growled

"Well...I think that he's saying the truth..." Frisk admitted "unless if he's a really good liar..."

"What about you Sans?" Undyne asked

What did I think? Well...what he said mostly made sense...but what bugs me is the skeleton that would do such a thing. Was it someone I knew? Or was it just someone I never met? Without thinking any deeper, I told the two what I just thought about.

"Well...We can't just sit here and wonder who Bloodfall is and if Flowey's lying, let's head off!" Undyne said as she stood up and headed to the basement.

Frisk stood up and followed. I stayed there for a few more seconds before I stood up and followed them.

We crossed the long hall, soon exiting the ruins. I sighed as we looked at the freezing air of the Snowdin Forest.

Each step was a step closer to Bloodfall. 'I must know the answer, did you do it? Did you kill Papyrus?' I thought.

Bloodfall (An Undertale AU)Where stories live. Discover now